Source language changes 0.90.6a (2014-11-17) - 1.0.0 (2016-06-29)
Below is an overview of changes and additions in
release 1.0.0 (2016-06-29) compared to release 0.90.6a (2014-11-17).
297: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Data folder (cannot be changed lateron)
new: Data ~folder (cannot be changed lateron)
321: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Data folder (pathname cannot be changed)
new: Data ~folder (pathname cannot be changed)
396: *** NEW ***
new: Path to favicon.ico
397: *** NEW ***
new: Path to icon file
398: *** NEW ***
new: Interval between cron-jobs (in minutes)
399: *** NEW ***
new: Minimum time between two cron jobs
400: *** NEW ***
new: Next cron job start
401: *** NEW ***
new: Date and time after which the next cronjob will begin
433: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Description
new: Descrip~tion
448: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Description
new: Descrip~tion
455: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Data folder (pathname cannot be changed)
new: Data ~folder (pathname cannot be changed)
550: *** NEW ***
new: Tools
551: *** NEW ***
new: Sessions
552: *** NEW ***
new: Check this box to allow access to the Session Tool
636: *** MODIFIED ***
old: ~Data folder (pathname cannot be changed)
new: Da~ta folder (pathname cannot be changed)
766: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can find various tools.
<p>With the Translate Tool you can add new translations to the program or modify existing translations.
<p>The Backup Tool allows for downloading the complete database for this site.
<p>Log View allows you to browse through log messages.
<p>Please select a tool from the menu
new: Here you can find various tools.
<p>With the Translate Tool you can add new translations to the program or modify existing translations.
<p>The Backup Tool allows for downloading the complete database for this site.
<p>The Session Tool allows for removing sessions and associated locks.
<p>Log View allows you to browse through log messages.
<p>Update Manager is used while upgrading the program.
<p>Please select a tool from the menu
772: *** NEW ***
new: Session Tool
773: *** NEW ***
new: View and remove sessions
841: *** NEW ***
new: Download old log messages
842: *** NEW ***
new: Download
843: *** NEW ***
new: ({COUNT} messages before {DATIM})
844: *** NEW ***
new: Prune
845: *** NEW ***
new: Prune old log messages
846: *** NEW ***
new: Errors pruning {COUNT} messages dating from before {DATIM}
847: *** NEW ***
new: Success pruning {COUNT} messages dating from before {DATIM}
848: *** NEW ***
new: Confirm pruning of {COUNT} messages
849: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to prune the messages table and remove {COUNT} messages (all dating from before {DATIM}).<br>
There will be no way to undelete the pruned messages afterwards.<br>
However, there is still time to download these messages for safekeeping via the link below.
884: *** NEW ***
new: Add alert
885: *** NEW ***
new: Click here to add a new alert
886: *** NEW ***
887: *** NEW ***
new: Click here to edit this alert
888: *** NEW ***
new: Delete this alert
889: *** NEW ***
new: delete
890: *** NEW ***
new: D
891: *** NEW ***
new: Edit alert
892: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name
893: *** NEW ***
new: Full name of this alert
894: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail
895: *** NEW ***
new: Valid e-mail address
896: *** NEW ***
new: ~Frequency
897: *** NEW ***
new: How often will alerts be sent
898: *** NEW ***
899: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to make alert active
900: *** NEW ***
new: ~Active
901: *** NEW ***
new: hourly
902: *** NEW ***
new: every 2 hours
903: *** NEW ***
new: every 4 hours
904: *** NEW ***
new: every 8 hours
905: *** NEW ***
new: every 16 hours
906: *** NEW ***
new: daily
907: *** NEW ***
new: every 2 days
908: *** NEW ***
new: every 4 days
909: *** NEW ***
new: weekly
910: *** NEW ***
new: Delete an alert
911: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following alert:
912: *** NEW ***
new: Rules overview
913: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: rule {INDEX}: node {NODE} ({NODE_FULL_NAME}) is currently not in area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME})
914: *** NEW ***
new: Nr
915: *** NEW ***
916: *** NEW ***
new: Area
917: *** NEW ***
new: Node
918: *** NEW ***
new: Any area
919: *** NEW ***
new: Any node
920: *** NEW ***
921: *** NEW ***
922: *** NEW ***
new: Delete this rule
923: *** NEW ***
new: delete
924: *** NEW ***
new: D
925: *** NEW ***
new: Add rule
926: *** NEW ***
new: Click here to add an alert rule
927: *** NEW ***
new: Edit rule
928: *** NEW ***
new: Click here to edit this rule
929: *** NEW ***
new: ~Rule
930: *** NEW ***
new: Select a rule from the list
931: *** NEW ***
new: Any node in any area
932: *** NEW ***
new: Any node in area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME})
933: *** NEW ***
new: Page {NODE} ({NODE_FULL_NAME}) in area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME})
934: *** NEW ***
new: Section {NODE} ({NODE_FULL_NAME}) in area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME})
935: *** NEW ***
new: Error: this rule already exists for this alert
936: *** NEW ***
new: Delete rule
937: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following rule:
938: *** NEW ***
new: New alert for {FULL_NAME} <{EMAIL}> - {INTERVAL}
939: *** NEW ***
new: Sessions overview
940: *** NEW ***
new: Session
941: *** NEW ***
new: Username
942: *** NEW ***
new: Full name
943: *** NEW ***
new: Start
944: *** NEW ***
new: Last access
945: *** NEW ***
new: IP address
946: *** NEW ***
new: Node
947: *** NEW ***
new: Link
948: *** NEW ***
new: Title
949: *** NEW ***
new: Locked
950: *** NEW ***
new: Delete this session
951: *** NEW ***
new: delete
952: *** NEW ***
new: D
953: *** NEW ***
new: No sessions found.
954: *** NEW ***
new: Delete a session
955: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following session and all locks associated with it:
956: *** NEW ***
new: Error: you cannot delete your own session
957: *** NEW ***
new: No pages available
958: *** NEW ***
new: There were errors retrieving statistics
959: *** NEW ***
new: All areas
960: *** NEW ***
new: Show combined statistics for all areas
961: *** NEW ***
new: Nr
962: *** NEW ***
new: Area
963: *** NEW ***
new: Page
964: *** NEW ***
new: Views
Modified: 7
New: 101
59: *** NEW ***
new: This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Modified: 0
New: 1
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
1: *** NEW ***
new: Ruta Theme
2: *** NEW ***
new: This is a 2- or 3-column theme using inverted L for navigation
3: *** NEW ***
new: Ruta
4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Ruta theme
5: *** NEW ***
new: ≡
6: *** NEW ***
new: menu
7: *** NEW ***
new: You are here:
8: *** NEW ***
new: go to start page
9: *** NEW ***
new: Menu
10: *** NEW ***
new: Menu {MENU}
11: *** NEW ***
new: Navigation
12: *** NEW ***
new: ~Quicklinks section top
13: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at top of every page (0 for none)
14: *** NEW ***
new: Quic~klinks section bottom
15: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at bottom of every page (0 for none)
16: *** NEW ***
new: ~Logo
17: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the logo image file
18: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~height
19: *** NEW ***
new: Height of the logo in pixels
20: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~width
21: *** NEW ***
new: Width of the logo in pixels
22: *** NEW ***
new: Breadcrumb trail
23: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show a breadcrumb trail
24: *** NEW ***
new: Show ~breadcrumb trail
25: *** NEW ***
new: Static st~ylesheet
26: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)
27: *** NEW ***
new: Additional stylesheet for ~2-columns
28: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the additional static stylesheet file (empty for none)
29: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage
30: *** NEW ***
new: ~Use static stylesheet file
31: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page
32: *** NEW ***
new: E~xtra style at area level
33: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information
34: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)
35: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at ~area level
36: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above
37: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)
38: *** NEW ***
new: Allow ~node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')
39: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section
40: *** NEW ***
new: Additional t~ext in header
41: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the header of the page
42: *** NEW ***
new: T~ipping points
43: *** NEW ***
new: Boundaries between small, medium and large banners
44: *** NEW ***
new: ~Paths to banner directories (one per line)
45: *** NEW ***
new: Location of the background banners for the header
46: *** NEW ***
new: Banner ~rotate interval in minutes (0 = no banners at all)
47: *** NEW ***
new: This is the time after which another banner will be used for a page view
48: *** NEW ***
new: A~dditional HTML before menu
49: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears above the menu in 1st column
50: *** NEW ***
new: Additional H~TML after menu
51: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears below the menu in 1st column
52: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited list of pa~ges to display in sidebar
53: *** NEW ***
new: Use '0' for empty page or '-' to suppress sidebar
54: *** NEW ***
new: Additional HTML at t~op of sidebar
55: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears at the top of the 3rd column
56: *** NEW ***
new: Additional HT~ML at bottom of sidebar
57: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears at the bottom of the 3rd column
58: *** NEW ***
new: Additional text in ~footer
59: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the footer of the page
Modified: 0
New: 59
No changes
9: *** NEW ***
new: ≡
10: *** NEW ***
new: menu
Modified: 0
New: 2
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
11: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can conf configure the Mailpage module for this page.
Using the link {CONFIGURATION} in the submenu
you can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible
to enter a default message. The visitor will see
this default message in the message field. This allows for a
simple way to let the visitor answer multiple
questions in a single message.
Using the link {DESTINATIONS} in the submenu you can
add new destinations, or edit or delete existing destination
The mailpage requires at least one valid destination address.
new: Here you can configure the Mailpage module for this page.
Using the link {CONFIGURATION} in the submenu
you can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible
to enter a default message. The visitor will see
this default message in the message field. This allows for a
simple way to let the visitor answer multiple
questions in a single message.
Using the link {DESTINATIONS} in the submenu you can
add new destinations, or edit or delete existing destination
The mailpage requires at least one valid destination address.
Modified: 1
New: 0
145: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
new: Error: the server is not able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
Modified: 1
New: 0
1: *** NEW ***
new: MyPage
2: *** NEW ***
new: mypage
3: *** NEW ***
new: Manage user profile and login
4: *** NEW ***
new: MyPage
5: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the MyPage-module
6: *** NEW ***
new: MyPage configuration
7: *** NEW ***
new: Nothing needs to be configured for this module.
8: *** NEW ***
new: Profile
9: *** NEW ***
new: Edit profile
10: *** NEW ***
new: Change password
11: *** NEW ***
new: Logout {FULL_NAME}
12: *** NEW ***
new: Website Administration
13: *** NEW ***
new: Available areas
14: *** NEW ***
new: (public) {AREA_FULL_NAME}
15: *** NEW ***
new: Public area {AREA} ({SORT_ORDER})
16: *** NEW ***
new: (private) {AREA_FULL_NAME}
17: *** NEW ***
new: Private area {AREA} ({SORT_ORDER})
18: *** NEW ***
new: Edit profile ({FULL_NAME})
19: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can edit your profile.
Note that you have to authorise the changes by entering your existing password below.
20: *** NEW ***
new: ~Password (to authorise the changes)
21: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your existing password to authorise the changes
22: *** NEW ***
new: Change password
23: *** NEW ***
new: Please enter your old and new passwords below.
24: *** NEW ***
new: ~Old password
25: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your old password
26: *** NEW ***
new: ~New password
27: *** NEW ***
new: Confirm new ~password
28: *** NEW ***
new: Error saving new password
Modified: 0
New: 28
1: *** NEW ***
new: Search
2: *** NEW ***
new: search
3: *** NEW ***
new: This module allows visitors to search the website
4: *** NEW ***
new: Search
5: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Search module
6: *** NEW ***
new: Search Configuration
7: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the Search module for this page.
You can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the search page. Also, it is possible
to limit the scope of the search to the current
area, all public areas or all areas where the current
user has access. Finally you can set the number of results
per page.
8: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header
9: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the search
10: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction
11: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for the search
12: *** NEW ***
new: Scope of the search
13: *** NEW ***
new: Which areas to search
14: *** NEW ***
new: Curren~t area
15: *** NEW ***
new: Limit search to current area
16: *** NEW ***
new: ~Public areas
17: *** NEW ***
new: Limit search to public areas
18: *** NEW ***
new: ~All areas
19: *** NEW ***
new: Search all areas, including private areas
20: *** NEW ***
new: ~Results per page
21: *** NEW ***
new: The maximum number of search results per page
22: *** NEW ***
new: Search
23: *** NEW ***
new: Enter one or more words to search for
24: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot search modules
25: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot search nodes
26: *** NEW ***
new: No results.
27: *** NEW ***
new: No more results.
28: *** NEW ***
new: Previous
29: *** NEW ***
new: Next
Modified: 0
New: 29
15: *** MODIFIED ***
old: The Althing-module is a reseach tool to publish a question, supposition, etc. Visitors can react, their posts can be analysed, a report can be constructed and results published. The following options are available in the submenu.
<p>{CONFIGURATION} - For this Althing, several text fields can be configured. E-mail alert lists for moderators and subscribers can be created . The visibility of posts and the status of the Althing can be set to Open, Frozen or Closed.
<p>{MODERATION} - The overview screen gives a summary list of all posts. From there you can navigate to individual posts. Approve new posts or make posts invisible. Posts can can be awarded with Marbles. Please see the comprehensive explanation in the manual.
<p>{VIEWLOG} - An overview of all moderator remarks, ordered by post.
<p>{REPORT} - Select posts in a self-defined sort order and create output for further processing.
<p>Please select one of the options to continue.
new: The Althing-module is a research tool to publish a question, supposition, etc. Visitors can react, their posts can be analysed, a report can be constructed and results published. The following options are available in the submenu.
<p>{CONFIGURATION} - For this Althing, several text fields can be configured. E-mail alert lists for moderators and subscribers can be created . The visibility of posts and the status of the Althing can be set to Open, Frozen or Closed.
<p>{MODERATION} - The overview screen gives a summary list of all posts. From there you can navigate to individual posts. Approve new posts or make posts invisible. Posts can be awarded with Marbles. Please see the comprehensive explanation in the manual.
<p>{VIEWLOG} - An overview of all moderator remarks, ordered by post.
<p>{REPORT} - Select posts in a self-defined sort order and create output for further processing.
<p>Please select one of the options to continue.
26: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Initial visibiliy
new: Initial visibility
172: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
new: Error: the server is not able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
254: *** NEW ***
new: (Area {AREA}, page {NODE_FULL_NAME}): new post #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID}): {SUBJECT}
Modified: 3
New: 1
1: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter
2: *** NEW ***
new: newsletter
3: *** NEW ***
new: This module provides newsletter functionality
4: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter
5: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Newsletter-module
6: *** NEW ***
new: Configure
7: *** NEW ***
new: Edit configuration of newsletter {NODE}
8: *** NEW ***
new: Compose
9: *** NEW ***
new: Compose and edit the current newsletter
10: *** NEW ***
new: Publish
11: *** NEW ***
new: Publish the current newsletter
12: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribers
13: *** NEW ***
new: Manage subscriptions for newsletter {NODE}
14: *** NEW ***
new: Queue
15: *** NEW ***
new: Manage the mailqueue for newsletter {NODE}
16: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter overview
17: *** NEW ***
new: The Newsletter-module provides a structured way to create newsletters and send them to subscribers by e-mail and (optionally) publish them on-line too. The following options are available in the submenu.
<p>{CONFIGURATION} - For this Newsletter, several aspects can be configured, from the newsletter layout to the policies for contributions and subscriptions.
<p>{COMPOSE} - Here you can add and edit newsletter articles and assemble the current newsletter.
<p>{PUBLISH} - This leads to actual publication of the current newsletter.
<p>{SUBSCRIPTIONS} - The overview screen gives a summary list of all subscribers and blacklisted addresses and provides links to manage the subscribers, including the upload of CSV files.
<p>{QUEUE} - Provides an overview of subscribers who yet have to receive a newsletter.
<p>Please select one of the options to continue.
18: *** NEW ***
new: {TITLE} Volume {VOLUME} Number {NUMBER} ({DATE})
19: *** NEW ***
new: {TITLE} Volume {VOLUME} Number {NUMBER} ({DATE})
20: *** NEW ***
new: <h1>{TITLE}</h1>
Volume {VOLUME} - Number {NUMBER} - Published {DATE}
21: *** NEW ***
<p>The latest issue of {TITLE} has just been published here: {ISSUE}.</p>
<p>A printer-friendly version is available here: {PRINT}.</p>
<p>Below is the table of contents.</p>
22: *** NEW ***
23: *** NEW ***
new: <hr>
24: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter configuration
25: *** NEW ***
26: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter channel
27: *** NEW ***
new: Select publication method
28: *** NEW ***
new: Full mail only
29: *** NEW ***
new: Send mail without maintaining an archive
30: *** NEW ***
new: Website only
31: *** NEW ***
new: Send announcement when new newsletters are published on line
32: *** NEW ***
new: Both
33: *** NEW ***
new: Send both full mail and maintain newsletter archive
34: *** NEW ***
new: Title
35: *** NEW ***
new: Official name of the newsletter
36: *** NEW ***
new: Subtitle
37: *** NEW ***
new: Optional subtitle
38: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter address
39: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter reply-to address
40: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style
41: *** NEW ***
new: Additional newsletter styling (CSS)
42: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail subject
43: *** NEW ***
new: Template for e-mail subject
44: *** NEW ***
new: HTML title
45: *** NEW ***
new: Template for HTML title
46: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter header
47: *** NEW ***
new: Template for newsletter header
48: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter annoucement
49: *** NEW ***
new: Template for newsletter announcement
50: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter colofon
51: *** NEW ***
new: Template for newsletter colofon
52: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter footer
53: *** NEW ***
new: Template for newsletter footer
54: *** NEW ***
new: Contribution policy
55: *** NEW ***
new: Determine who can contribute to the next newsletter
56: *** NEW ***
new: No one
57: *** NEW ***
new: No contributions are accepted
58: *** NEW ***
new: Registered users only
59: *** NEW ***
new: Only registered users can submit contributions
60: *** NEW ***
new: Anyone
61: *** NEW ***
new: Anyone can submit contributions
62: *** NEW ***
new: Contribution information
63: *** NEW ***
new: Instructions for contributors
64: *** NEW ***
new: Subscription policy
65: *** NEW ***
new: Select the subscription process to use
66: *** NEW ***
new: None
67: *** NEW ***
new: Only the newsletter administrator can manage subscriptions
68: *** NEW ***
new: Approval
69: *** NEW ***
new: Subscription requires administrators approval
70: *** NEW ***
new: Validation only
71: *** NEW ***
new: Any valid e-mail address is allowed to subscribe
72: *** NEW ***
new: Subscription information
73: *** NEW ***
new: Instructions for subscribers
74: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter administrator email addresses
75: *** NEW ***
new: Addresses (one per line) that will receive administrative notifications
76: *** NEW ***
new: Header
77: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter page title
78: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction
79: *** NEW ***
new: Introductory text
80: *** NEW ***
new: Footer
81: *** NEW ***
new: Footer text
82: *** NEW ***
new: Next issue volume
83: *** NEW ***
new: Volume number for next newsletter issue
84: *** NEW ***
new: Next issue number
85: *** NEW ***
new: Issue number for next newsletter issue
86: *** NEW ***
new: {TITLE} (Volume {VOLUME} Number {NUMBER})
87: *** NEW ***
new: Add an article
88: *** NEW ***
new: Create a new article for this issue
89: *** NEW ***
new: There are no articles at all.
90: *** NEW ***
new: Articles selected for this issue
91: *** NEW ***
new: No articles are selected for this issue.
92: *** NEW ***
new: Articles selected for future issues
93: *** NEW ***
new: No articles are selected for future issues.
94: *** NEW ***
new: Delete this article
95: *** NEW ***
new: delete
96: *** NEW ***
new: D
97: *** NEW ***
new: Postpone article to future issue
98: *** NEW ***
new: future
99: *** NEW ***
new: F
100: *** NEW ***
new: Select article for current issue
101: *** NEW ***
new: current
102: *** NEW ***
new: C
103: *** NEW ***
new: Move article higher in list
104: *** NEW ***
new: higher
105: *** NEW ***
new: H
106: *** NEW ***
new: Move article lower in list
107: *** NEW ***
new: lower
108: *** NEW ***
new: L
109: *** NEW ***
new: {AUTHOR} ({DATIM})
110: *** NEW ***
new: {TITLE} ({ARTICLE})
111: *** NEW ***
new: Name
112: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your name
113: *** NEW ***
new: Name (required)
114: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your name
115: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail (will not be published)
116: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your e-mail address
117: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail (required but will not be published)
118: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your e-mail address
119: *** NEW ***
new: Title
120: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the article title
121: *** NEW ***
new: Body
122: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the article body
123: *** NEW ***
new: Remarks (will not be published)
124: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your remarks about this article
125: *** NEW ***
new: Add new article
126: *** NEW ***
new: Edit article {ARTICLE}
127: *** NEW ***
new: Delete article {ARTICLE}
128: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following newsletter article:
129: *** NEW ***
new: <p>Title: {TITLE}<br>Date: {DATIM}<br>Author: {AUTHOR}</p><div>{CONTENT}</div>
130: *** NEW ***
new: Are you sure you want to proceed?
131: *** NEW ***
new: Error saving data
132: *** NEW ***
new: Error deleting data
133: *** NEW ***
new: Success saving article {ARTICLE}
134: *** NEW ***
new: Success deleting article {ARTICLE}
135: *** NEW ***
new: Preview
136: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter preview (opens in a new window)
137: *** NEW ***
new: Send testmail
138: *** NEW ***
new: Send a testmail of the current newsletter
139: *** NEW ***
new: Contents
140: *** NEW ***
new: Colofon
141: *** NEW ***
new: Success sending test to <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME}) [Message-ID: {MESSAGE_ID}]
142: *** NEW ***
new: Failed sending test to <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME}) [Message-ID: {MESSAGE_ID}]
143: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter Test
144: *** NEW ***
new: Preview (final version)
145: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter preview (opens in a new window)
146: *** NEW ***
new: Send testmail (final version)
147: *** NEW ***
new: Send a testmail of the current newsletter
148: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter publication {VOLUME}-{NUMBER} ({DATE})
149: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to publish the following newsletter:<br>
Volume: {VOLUME}<br>
Number: {NUMBER}<br>
Publication date: {DATE}<br>
150: *** NEW ***
new: Are you sure?
151: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to confirm publication
152: *** NEW ***
new: You cannot unpublish a newsletter
153: *** NEW ***
new: Confirm: you must check the box to confirm publication
154: *** NEW ***
new: Success publishing newsletter
155: *** NEW ***
new: Failed publishing newsletter
156: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter publication
157: *** NEW ***
new: Currently there are no articles selected for publication.
158: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter publication
159: *** NEW ***
new: Access denied. You do not have permissions to publish a newsletter.
160: *** NEW ***
new: Error publishing newsletter volume {VOLUME} number {NUMBER} ({DATIM})
161: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: volume {VOLUME} number {NUMBER} already exists
162: *** NEW ***
163: *** NEW ***
new: LINK
164: *** NEW ***
new: IMAGE
165: *** NEW ***
new: Read online...
166: *** NEW ***
167: *** NEW ***
new: Queue overview
168: *** NEW ***
169: *** NEW ***
new: There are no more records in the queue
170: *** NEW ***
new: ID
171: *** NEW ***
new: Volume
172: *** NEW ***
new: Number
173: *** NEW ***
new: Next
174: *** NEW ***
new: Errors
175: *** NEW ***
new: E-Mail
176: *** NEW ***
new: Full name
177: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter mailqueue: processed {COUNT} pending newsletters
178: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter mailqueue: error processing pending newsletters
179: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribers
180: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribers [{FIRST}-{LAST} of {TOTAL}]
181: *** NEW ***
182: *** NEW ***
new: ID
183: *** NEW ***
new: Click to sort by subscriber ID
184: *** NEW ***
new: Status
185: *** NEW ***
new: Click to sort by status
186: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail
187: *** NEW ***
new: Click to sort by e-mail address
188: *** NEW ***
new: Full name
189: *** NEW ***
new: Click to sort by full name
190: *** NEW ***
new: Delete this subscriber
191: *** NEW ***
new: delete
192: *** NEW ***
new: D
193: *** NEW ***
new: Add a subscriber
194: *** NEW ***
new: Add address to newsletter subscribers list
195: *** NEW ***
new: Edit properties of this subscriber
196: *** NEW ***
new: Download subscribers
197: *** NEW ***
new: Download a CSV file with subscriber information
198: *** NEW ***
new: Upload subscribers
199: *** NEW ***
new: Upload a CSV file with subscriber information
200: *** NEW ***
new: Upload subscriber list
201: *** NEW ***
202: *** NEW ***
new: ~Filename
203: *** NEW ***
new: Enter local file path or use the Browse button
204: *** NEW ***
new: ~Data
205: *** NEW ***
new: Paste a list of subscribers here
206: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail field index
207: *** NEW ***
new: Indicate the field that holds the e-mail address
208: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name field indices
209: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited field list identifying name
210: *** NEW ***
new: ~Remarks field indices
211: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited field list identifying remarks
212: *** NEW ***
new: ~Status field index
213: *** NEW ***
new: Indicate the field that holds the status
214: *** NEW ***
new: Se~parator
215: *** NEW ***
new: Select field separator
216: *** NEW ***
new: Comma
217: *** NEW ***
new: Semicolon
218: *** NEW ***
new: Tab
219: *** NEW ***
new: Error uploading subscriber data. Please try again
220: *** NEW ***
new: No data to show
221: *** NEW ***
new: Nr
222: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail
223: *** NEW ***
new: Full name
224: *** NEW ***
new: Remarks
225: *** NEW ***
new: Status
226: *** NEW ***
new: Upload results: added: {ADDED}, updated: {UPDATED}, skipped: {SKIPPED}, failed: {FAILED}, total: {TOTAL}.
227: *** NEW ***
new: Skip
228: *** NEW ***
new: New
229: *** NEW ***
new: Confirmed
230: *** NEW ***
new: Approved
231: *** NEW ***
new: Blacklist
232: *** NEW ***
new: Add new subscriber
233: *** NEW ***
new: Edit subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}
234: *** NEW ***
new: Delete subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}
235: *** NEW ***
new: Status
236: *** NEW ***
new: Select subscription status
237: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail address
238: *** NEW ***
new: Enter e-mail address of subscriber
239: *** NEW ***
new: ~Full name
240: *** NEW ***
new: Enter name of subscriber
241: *** NEW ***
new: ~Remarks
242: *** NEW ***
new: Enter remarks relating to this subscriber
243: *** NEW ***
new: Success saving subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}: <{EMAIL}> "{FULL_NAME}" ({STATUS})
244: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following subscriber:
245: *** NEW ***
new: <{EMAIL}> "{FULL_NAME}" ({STATUS})<br><br>{REMARKS}
246: *** NEW ***
new: Success deleting subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}
247: *** NEW ***
new: There are no subscribers yet.
248: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] Subscribed to newsletter "{TITLE}"
249: *** NEW ***
new: You are now subscribed with the following e-mail address
to newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}":
Kind regards,
Your automated Newsletter Administrator.
250: *** NEW ***
new: Approval notification sent to <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME})
251: *** NEW ***
new: Error retrieving configuration
252: *** NEW ***
new: No newsletters are available yet
253: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter volume {VOLUME} number {NUMBER} not found.
254: *** NEW ***
new: No newsletters found
255: *** NEW ***
new: Archive
256: *** NEW ***
new: View newsletter archive
257: *** NEW ***
new: Contribute
258: *** NEW ***
new: Submit a contribution
259: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribe
260: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribe to this newsletter
261: *** NEW ***
new: Unsubscribe
262: *** NEW ***
new: Unsubscribe from this newsletter
263: *** NEW ***
new: Confirm
264: *** NEW ***
new: Confirm your request
265: *** NEW ***
new: Volume {VOLUME} Number {NUMBER}
266: *** NEW ***
new: Show on-line version of newsletter {VOLUME}-{NUMBER} ({DATE})
267: *** NEW ***
new: Print
268: *** NEW ***
new: Show print version (opens in new window)
269: *** NEW ***
new: Volume {VOLUME}
270: *** NEW ***
new: Number {NUMBER} ({DATE})
271: *** NEW ***
new: Archive
272: *** NEW ***
new: View newsletter archive
273: *** NEW ***
new: Volume {VOLUME}
274: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter volume overview
275: *** NEW ***
new: Number {NUMBER}
276: *** NEW ***
new: View specific newsletter
277: *** NEW ***
new: An error occurred. Please contact the newsletter administrator.
278: *** NEW ***
new: A confirmation code was sent to you at <{EMAIL}>.
279: *** NEW ***
new: Confirmation
280: *** NEW ***
new: Please enter the confirmation code that was sent to you.
281: *** NEW ***
new: Unsubscribe
282: *** NEW ***
new: Please enter your email address. After you respond to the confirmation that will be sent to you, your subscription will end immediately.
283: *** NEW ***
new: E-mail (required)
284: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your e-mail address
285: *** NEW ***
new: Confirmation code
286: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the confirmation you received in your mailbox
287: *** NEW ***
new: Subscribe
288: *** NEW ***
new: Full name
289: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your full name
290: *** NEW ***
new: Remarks
291: *** NEW ***
new: Enter additional information
292: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] Confirm unsubscription from "{TITLE}"
293: *** NEW ***
new: A request was received to unsubscribe the following e-mail address
from newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}":
Here is a link with a one-time code that will confirm this unsubscription.
Copy the link below to the address bar in your browser and press [Enter]:
Alternatively, you can go to this location:
and enter the following code
Note that this code is valid for only {INTERVAL} minutes.
The unsubscription request was received from this address:
Ignore this message if you want to continue receiving newsletters.
Kind regards,
Your automated Newsletter Administrator.
294: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] Confirm subscription to "{TITLE}"
295: *** NEW ***
new: A request was received to subscribe the following e-mail address
to newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}":
Here is a link with a one-time code that will confirm this subscription.
Copy the link below to the address bar in your browser and press [Enter]:
Alternatively, you can go to this location:
and enter the following code
Note that this code is valid for only {INTERVAL} minutes.
The subscription request was received from this address:
Ignore this message if you do not want to receive newsletters after all.
Kind regards,
Your automated Newsletter Administrator.
296: *** NEW ***
new: You are successfully subscribed to the newsletter
297: *** NEW ***
new: Your subscription request will be processed by a newsletter administrator shortly
298: *** NEW ***
new: You are successfully unsubscribed from the newsletter
299: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter Administrator
300: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] New subscriber {SUBSCRIBER} for "{TITLE}"
301: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] New subscriber {SUBSCRIBER} approval request for "{TITLE}"
302: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] Subscriber {SUBSCRIBER} unsubscribed from "{TITLE}"
303: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}" has a new subscriber:
Subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}: <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME})
304: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}" has a new subscriber requesting approval:
Subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}: <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME})
Remarks from this new subscriber:
305: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}" has lost a subscriber:
Subscriber {SUBSCRIBER}: <{EMAIL}> ({FULL_NAME})
306: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not retrieve data
307: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the newsletter contribution form timed out, please try again
308: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not save data
309: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the server is not able to accept your contribution at this time. Please try again in a minute
310: *** NEW ***
new: Error: contribution could not be sent, please try again
311: *** NEW ***
new: Error: no token available for page {NODE}
312: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name
313: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your name
314: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name (required)
315: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your name
316: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail (will not be published)
317: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your e-mail address
318: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail (required but will not be published)
319: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your e-mail address
320: *** NEW ***
new: ~Remarks (will not be published)
321: *** NEW ***
new: Enter additional information for the newsletter editors
322: *** NEW ***
new: ~Title of article
323: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the article title
324: *** NEW ***
new: ~Body of article
325: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the article body
326: *** NEW ***
new: ~Preview
327: *** NEW ***
new: Article contribution
328: *** NEW ***
new: Preview article
329: *** NEW ***
new: IP-address
330: *** NEW ***
new: ~Send
331: *** NEW ***
new: [{NEWSLETTER}] New article {ARTICLE} contributed to "{TITLE}"
332: *** NEW ***
new: New article {ARTICLE} has been contributed via the website
to newsletter {NEWSLETTER} "{TITLE}":
Remarks from author:
IP-address: {REMOTE_ADDR} (delay = {DELAY}s).
Kind regards,
Your automated Newsletter Administrator.
333: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for your contribution
334: *** NEW ***
new: Here is a copy of your article:
335: *** NEW ***
new: (Area {AREA}, page {NODE_FULL_NAME}): new article {ARTICLE}: {ARTICLE_TITLE}
336: *** NEW ***
new: Monthly Exemplum Newsletter
337: *** NEW ***
new: Newsletter
338: *** NEW ***
new: All the news that's fit to print
339: *** NEW ***
new: Via this form you can submit your messages for upcoming issues.
340: *** NEW ***
new: Use the remarks field below to tell us why you want to subscribe.
341: *** NEW ***
new: From the principal
342: *** NEW ***
new: Upcoming events
343: *** NEW ***
new: Did you know...?
344: *** NEW ***
new: Art-classes for Juniors
345: *** NEW ***
new: New teacher for Juniors
346: *** NEW ***
new: Plans for the next year
347: *** NEW ***
new: Excursion for Seniors
348: *** NEW ***
new: On {LAST_WEEK} the Seniors wil go visit the Botanical Gardens.
349: *** NEW ***
new: Visit to the Botanical Gardens {LAST_WEEK}
350: *** NEW ***
new: <p>Editors: {ANDREW} and {CATHERINE}. Publisher: {AMELIA}.</p>
351: *** NEW ***
new: Chess tournament
352: *** NEW ***
new: There will be a chess tournament next month. All pupils of the Exemplum Primary School are invited.
353: *** NEW ***
new: Dear Editors, could you please publish this message in the next newsletter issue? Thank you.
Mrs. Montessori
Modified: 0
New: 353
No changes
No changes