Source language changes 0.90.5 (2013-07-11) - 0.90.6a (2014-11-17)
Below is an overview of changes and additions in
release 0.90.6a (2014-11-17) compared to release 0.90.5 (2013-07-11).
242: *** NEW ***
new: Page {NODE_FULL_NAME} locked
243: *** NEW ***
new: Section {NODE_FULL_NAME} locked
244: *** NEW ***
new: Page {NODE_FULL_NAME} is locked by {FULL_NAME} since {LOCK_TIME}.<br>You can overrule this lock by pressing [OK].
245: *** NEW ***
new: Section {NODE_FULL_NAME} is locked by {FULL_NAME} since {LOCK_TIME}.<br>You can overrule this lock by pressing [OK].
246: *** NEW ***
new: Are you sure you want to unlock this page?
247: *** NEW ***
new: Are you sure you want to unlock this section?
248: *** NEW ***
new: Success unlocking page {NODE}
249: *** NEW ***
new: Success unlocking section {NODE}
367: *** NEW ***
new: CKEditor 3
368: *** NEW ***
new: JavaScript-based WYSIWYG word processor
381: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Maximum number of files per upload (non-Java)
new: Number of input fields for file upload
382: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This sets the maximum number of simultaneous uploads in File Manager
new: The number of fields for filenames in the upload dialog in File Manager
385: *** NEW ***
new: Maximum height and width for automatically resized images
386: *** NEW ***
new: Configure dimensions of resized images during upload
596: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Modify group memberships for this user acccount
new: Modify group memberships for this user account
734: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can add (upload) new files to the folder '{DIRECTORY}'. The names of the new files should contain only letters, digits, dots, dashes or (single) underscores. Other characters such as slashes, colons and at-signs are not acceptable and are automatically replaced with an underscore or even removed completely thus changing the name of the file as it is stored. If a file already exists it is preserved and the new file will be stored under another name.<p>Note:<br>File size is limited to {MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes, total upload size is limited to {POST_MAX_SIZE} bytes.
new: Here you can add (upload) new files to the folder '{DIRECTORY}'. The names of the new files should contain only letters, digits, dots, dashes or (single) underscores. Other characters such as slashes, colons and at-signs are not acceptable and are automatically replaced with an underscore or even removed completely thus changing the name of the file as it is stored. If a file already exists it is preserved and the new file will be stored under another name.<p>Note:<br>File size is limited to {MAX_FILE_SIZE} bytes, total upload size is limited to {POST_MAX_SIZE} bytes and files per upload is limited to {MAX_FILE_UPLOADS}.
735: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Filename
new: ~Filename
736: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Filename ({INDEX})
new: Filename (~{INDEX})
738: *** NEW ***
739: *** NEW ***
new: Check this box to automatically shrink images during upload
740: *** NEW ***
new: ~Resize images ({DIMENSION} x {DIMENSION})
Modified: 6
New: 15
7: *** NEW ***
new: ~Done
26: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the server is currently not able to accept your input
52: *** NEW ***
new: Mon
53: *** NEW ***
new: Tue
54: *** NEW ***
new: Wed
55: *** NEW ***
new: Thu
56: *** NEW ***
new: Fri
57: *** NEW ***
new: Sat
58: *** NEW ***
new: Sun
Modified: 0
New: 9
9: *** MODIFIED ***
old: E-mail address
new: ~E-mail address
20: *** MODIFIED ***
old: One-time code
new: One-time ~code
26: *** MODIFIED ***
old: New password
new: ~New password
27: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Confirm new password
new: ~Confirm new password
28: *** MODIFIED ***
old: OK
new: ~OK
29: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Password
new: ~Password
41: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Username
new: ~Username
44: *** NEW ***
new: Message
Modified: 7
New: 1
50: *** NEW ***
new: Modules showcase
51: *** NEW ***
new: MyPage
52: *** NEW ***
new: Modules showcase
53: *** NEW ***
new: Showcase
117: *** NEW ***
new: Redirect to Website@School project website
118: *** NEW ***
new: Redirect
119: *** NEW ***
new: Send a message to the Website@School Project
120: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage
121: *** NEW ***
new: Contact Website@School
122: *** NEW ***
new: Use this form to send a message to the project.
123: *** NEW ***
new: General
124: *** NEW ***
new: Please send all your general questions about the project to the Website@School Team.
125: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for your message.
126: *** NEW ***
new: Translators
127: *** NEW ***
new: Please direct all your comments about translations of Website@School to our translators.
128: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for your comments.
Modified: 0
New: 16
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
No changes
2: *** NEW ***
new: crew
81: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop (CREW)
82: *** NEW ***
new: This module provides Collaborative Remote Educational Workshop
83: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop
84: *** NEW ***
new: <p>The demonstration of the Workshop (CREW) module is incomplete because
it requires the installation and configuration of a separate
Websocket-server (included in the Website@School distribution
<p>Setting up the Websocket-server requires the help of a
Systems Administrator. The details are documented in the chapter
<a href="{WUG_CREW}">Workshop (CREW)</a> in the
<a href="{WUG}">Website@School User's Guide</a>.</p>
85: *** NEW ***
new: This is a placeholder for the document that is to be created with the Workshop (CREW) module.
Modified: 0
New: 6
2: *** NEW ***
new: snaps
45: *** NEW ***
new: Pictures of our latest field trip
46: *** NEW ***
new: Snapshots
47: *** NEW ***
new: Field trip to the botanical garden ({LAST_WEEK})
48: *** NEW ***
new: Here are the photos of the field trip to the botanical garden the seniors made on {LAST_WEEK}.<p>{LOREM} {IPSUM} {DOLOR}
Modified: 0
New: 5
2: *** NEW ***
new: html
3: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This module handles plain HTML-pages, with no bells or whistles
new: This module handles plain HTML-pages
Modified: 1
New: 1
2: *** NEW ***
new: sitemap
Modified: 0
New: 1
2: *** NEW ***
new: mail
5: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This file contains translations for the Mailpage-module
new: This file contains translations for the Mailpage module
6: *** NEW ***
new: Configure
7: *** NEW ***
new: Edit the configuration of the mailpage at page {NODE}
8: *** NEW ***
new: Destinations
9: *** NEW ***
new: Add, edit or delete mailpage destination addresses at page {NODE}
10: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Mailpage configuration
new: Mailpage Content Overview
11: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can configure the Mailpage module.
Use the links below to add a new destination
address or edit or delete an existing destination
address. You MUST configure at least one destination
address for this module to work.
<p>You can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible
to enter a default message. The visitor will see
this default message in the message field. This allows for a
simple way to let the visitor answer multiple
questions in a single message.
new: Here you can conf configure the Mailpage module for this page.
Using the link {CONFIGURATION} in the submenu
you can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible
to enter a default message. The visitor will see
this default message in the message field. This allows for a
simple way to let the visitor answer multiple
questions in a single message.
Using the link {DESTINATIONS} in the submenu you can
add new destinations, or edit or delete existing destination
The mailpage requires at least one valid destination address.
12: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage Configuration
13: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the Mailpage module for this page.
You can add an optional header and an optional
introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible
to enter a default message. The visitor will see
this default message in the message field. This allows for a
simple way to let the visitor answer multiple
questions in a single message.
20: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage destinations overview
21: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure destination addresses for the Mailpage module for this page.
You can add a new destination address, edit an existing destination address or delete
an existing destination address.
Note: The mailpage requires at least one valid destination address.
23: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Use this link to add a new destination address to end of the list.
new: Use this link to add a new destination address to the list.
25: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Edit or delete destination {ADDRESS_ID}: <{EMAIL}>
new: Edit destination address {ADDRESS_ID}: <{EMAIL}>
26: *** NEW ***
new: Delete destination address {ADDRESS_ID}: {EMAIL}
27: *** NEW ***
new: You have no permissions to delete this address
28: *** NEW ***
new: delete
29: *** NEW ***
new: D
31: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can enter the details of the new destination addresses.
You MUST add at least one destination address for this module to work.
new: Here you can enter the details of the new destination addresses. You MUST add at least one destination address for this module to work.
32: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Edit or delete destination address
new: Edit destination address
33: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can modify or delete destination addresses.
You MUST configure at least one destination address for this module to work.
new: Here you can modify destination addresses. You MUST configure at least one destination address for this module to work.
44: *** NEW ***
new: Delete destination address
45: *** NEW ***
new: You are about to delete the following destination address from this mailpage:
46: *** NEW ***
47: *** NEW ***
new: Are you sure you want to proceed?
48: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: there has to be at least one destination addresses
51: *** NEW ***
new: Success saving address {ADDRESS_ID} {NAME} ({EMAIL})
52: *** NEW ***
new: Success deleting address {ADDRESS_ID} {NAME} ({EMAIL})
58: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
new: Error: the server is not able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
Modified: 9
New: 20
1: *** NEW ***
new: Confab
2: *** NEW ***
new: chat
3: *** NEW ***
new: This module allows participants to engage in an online conversation (chat)
4: *** NEW ***
new: Confab
5: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Confab-module
6: *** NEW ***
new: Configure
7: *** NEW ***
new: Edit configuration of Confab {NODE}
8: *** NEW ***
new: Moderate
9: *** NEW ***
new: Monitor and moderate the conversation in Confab {NODE}
10: *** NEW ***
new: Report
11: *** NEW ***
new: Report on conversations in Confab {NODE}
12: *** NEW ***
new: Confab overview
13: *** NEW ***
new: The Confab-module is a tool for online conversation. Participants can contribute to the discussion by submitting single-line messages. The conversation is recorded in the database and can be analysed afterwards. The following options are available in the submenu.
<p>{CONFIGURATION} - For this Confab, several text fields can be configured. The secret passcode can be set and the status of the Confab can be set to Opened, Registered users only or Closed.
<p>{MODERATION} - The moderation screen allows for personal messages to individual participants from the moderator. Also, the current conversation can be forcefully ended.
<p>{REPORT} - Select and analyse past conversations.
<p>Please select one of the options to continue.
14: *** NEW ***
new: Confab configuration
15: *** NEW ***
16: *** NEW ***
new: Status of the Confab
17: *** NEW ***
new: Set Confab status
18: *** NEW ***
new: ~Opened
19: *** NEW ***
new: Confab is open for conversations
20: *** NEW ***
new: Re~gistered users only
21: *** NEW ***
new: Only registered users can join the conversation
22: *** NEW ***
new: C~losed
23: *** NEW ***
new: No conversations can take place
24: *** NEW ***
new: Personal messages
25: *** NEW ***
new: Personal messages between participants
26: *** NEW ***
new: ~Yes
27: *** NEW ***
new: Personal messages are allowed
28: *** NEW ***
new: Registered ~users only
29: *** NEW ***
new: Personal messages only between registered users
30: *** NEW ***
new: ~No
31: *** NEW ***
new: No personal messages are possible
32: *** NEW ***
new: ~Passcode
33: *** NEW ***
new: Participants need to know the passcode to join the conversation
34: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header
35: *** NEW ***
new: Confab title
36: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction
37: *** NEW ***
new: Introductory text
38: *** NEW ***
new: ~Footer
39: *** NEW ***
new: Footer text
40: *** NEW ***
new: P~articipants
41: *** NEW ***
new: Maximum number of simultaneous participants
42: *** NEW ***
new: Passcode atte~mpts
43: *** NEW ***
new: Maximum number of attempts allowed for entering the passcode
44: *** NEW ***
new: ~Refresh interval
45: *** NEW ***
new: Seconds between client auto refresh calls
46: *** NEW ***
new: Idl~e timeout
47: *** NEW ***
new: Seconds before a participant is considered idle
48: *** NEW ***
new: Con~versation timeout
49: *** NEW ***
new: Seconds before an idle conversation ends automatically
50: *** NEW ***
new: Conversations for seniors
51: *** NEW ***
new: Confab (chat)
52: *** NEW ***
new: Conversations and discussions for seniors
53: *** NEW ***
new: <p>You need a <strong>passcode</strong> to join the conversation. If you do not know the passcode, you can ask the teacher of the {CONFAB_GROUP_FULL_NAME}: {CONFAB_TEACHER_FULL_NAME}.</p>
54: *** NEW ***
new: <p>Please do not abuse this Confab.</p>
55: *** NEW ***
new: HeyYou
56: *** NEW ***
new: is there anybody out there?
57: *** NEW ***
new: nobody home
58: *** NEW ***
new: hello {USERNAME}
59: *** NEW ***
new: do you know the homework for tomorrow?
60: *** NEW ***
new: yes, I will look it up...
61: *** NEW ***
new: we have to make a summary of chapter 2
62: *** NEW ***
new: OK, thanks
63: *** NEW ***
new: can you send me your summary? I don't have time for that tonight
64: *** NEW ***
new: please?
65: *** NEW ***
new: you are supposed to do your own homework
66: *** NEW ***
new: never mind, bye
67: *** NEW ***
new: ok, bye ...?
68: *** NEW ***
new: Confab moderation
69: *** NEW ***
new: No conversations found
70: *** NEW ***
new: No messages in current conversation
71: *** NEW ***
new: ~Refresh
72: *** NEW ***
new: ~Intervene
73: *** NEW ***
new: Action
74: *** NEW ***
new: Select an action
75: *** NEW ***
new: ~Send a message
76: *** NEW ***
new: Add a message to the conversation
77: *** NEW ***
new: ~Remove from conversation
78: *** NEW ***
new: Make the participant leave the conversation
79: *** NEW ***
new: ~Participant
80: *** NEW ***
new: Select target for action
81: *** NEW ***
new: ~Message
82: *** NEW ***
new: Enter moderator message
83: *** NEW ***
new: Confab conversation report
84: *** NEW ***
new: No conversations available
85: *** NEW ***
new: No messages in selection
86: *** NEW ***
new: Con~versations
87: *** NEW ***
new: Select a conversation
88: *** NEW ***
89: *** NEW ***
new: Conversation #{CONVERSATION_ID}: first: {DATIM_FIRST} last: {DATIM_LAST} messages: {MESSAGES}
90: *** NEW ***
new: Fields:
91: *** NEW ***
new: Selectable fields
92: *** NEW ***
new: ~Message ID
93: *** NEW ***
new: Message ID
94: *** NEW ***
new: ~Author
95: *** NEW ***
new: Author
96: *** NEW ***
new: ~Remote address
97: *** NEW ***
new: IP-address
98: *** NEW ***
new: Dat~e
99: *** NEW ***
new: Date
100: *** NEW ***
new: ~Text
101: *** NEW ***
new: Content of message
102: *** NEW ***
new: Messages from:
103: *** NEW ***
new: Select message source
104: *** NEW ***
new: ~System
105: *** NEW ***
new: System messages
106: *** NEW ***
new: ~User
107: *** NEW ***
new: User messages
108: *** NEW ***
new: ~Both
109: *** NEW ***
new: System and user
110: *** NEW ***
new: Messages to:
111: *** NEW ***
new: Select message target
112: *** NEW ***
new: ~Group
113: *** NEW ***
new: Public messages to all participants
114: *** NEW ***
new: ~Personal
115: *** NEW ***
new: Private messages to specific participants
116: *** NEW ***
new: Bot~h
117: *** NEW ***
new: Public and private messages
118: *** NEW ***
new: #{MESSAGE_ID}
119: *** NEW ***
new: {FROM}:
120: *** NEW ***
new: {FROM} (to {TO}):
121: *** NEW ***
122: *** NEW ***
new: {TIME}
123: *** NEW ***
new: {MESSAGE}
124: *** NEW ***
new: (system)
125: *** NEW ***
new: ~Download
126: *** NEW ***
new: confab
127: *** NEW ***
new: {FROM} ({FROM_NAME}) joins the conversation
128: *** NEW ***
new: {FROM} ({FROM_NAME}) leaves the conversation
129: *** NEW ***
new: Anonymous
130: *** NEW ***
new: This conversation will be ended shortly
131: *** NEW ***
new: All
132: *** NEW ***
new: {REMOTE_ADDR} {DATIM}: <strong>{FROM}</strong>: {MESSAGE}
133: *** NEW ***
new: {REMOTE_ADDR} {DATIM}: <strong>{FROM}</strong> (to <strong>{TO}</strong>): {MESSAGE}
134: *** NEW ***
new: {NICKNAME} ({FULL_NAME}) has left the conversation
135: *** NEW ***
new: {NICKNAME} ({FULL_NAME}) had to leave the conversation due to time out
136: *** NEW ***
new: {NICKNAME} ({FULL_NAME}) must leave the conversation because a moderator closed it
137: *** NEW ***
new: {NICKNAME} ({FULL_NAME}) was forced to leave the conversation
138: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve configuration data
139: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve existing conversation
140: *** NEW ***
new: This Confab is currently closed.
141: *** NEW ***
new: This Confab is currently unavailable.
142: *** NEW ***
new: Error: no token available for page {NODE}
143: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the Confab form timed out, please try again
144: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not save data
145: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
146: *** NEW ***
new: Error: too many attempts to join the conversation
147: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot join the conversation
148: *** NEW ***
new: Error while leaving the conversation
149: *** NEW ***
new: {FIELD}: these characters are not allowed: {CHARACTERS}
150: *** NEW ***
new: ~Nickname
151: *** NEW ***
new: Pass~code
152: *** NEW ***
new: ~Interface
153: *** NEW ***
new: Braille
154: *** NEW ***
new: Bare bones (no JavaScript) interface
155: *** NEW ***
new: Visual
156: *** NEW ***
new: Default
157: *** NEW ***
new: Visual (LowVision)
158: *** NEW ***
new: High contrast (black+white) interface
159: *** NEW ***
new: Visual (Red Grey Blue)
160: *** NEW ***
new: Primary colours interface
161: *** NEW ***
new: Visual (Mondrian)
162: *** NEW ***
new: Black and yellow
163: *** NEW ***
new: ~Write
164: *** NEW ***
new: *
165: *** NEW ***
new: ~All
166: *** NEW ***
new: ~Send
167: *** NEW ***
new: ~Users
168: *** NEW ***
new: ~Quit
169: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>{FROM}</strong>
170: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>{FROM}</strong> to <strong>{TO}</strong>
171: *** NEW ***
new: system
172: *** NEW ***
new: all
173: *** NEW ***
174: *** NEW ***
new: {NICKNAME} ({FULL_NAME}) (idle)
175: *** NEW ***
176: *** NEW ***
new: M
177: *** NEW ***
new: Use Alt-{HOTKEY} or Cmnd-{HOTKEY} as a shortcut for this message field
178: *** NEW ***
179: *** NEW ***
new: P
180: *** NEW ***
new: Select a Personal message destination with Alt-{HOTKEY} or Cmnd-{HOTKEY} and cursor keys
181: *** NEW ***
new: ~Refresh
182: *** NEW ***
new: Refresh the screen
183: *** NEW ***
new: ~Quit
184: *** NEW ***
new: Leave the conversation
185: *** NEW ***
new: ~Send
186: *** NEW ***
new: Add a message to the conversation
187: *** NEW ***
188: *** NEW ***
new: Press the button to switch the sound on or off
189: *** NEW ***
new: N
190: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>{FROM}</strong>: {MESSAGE}
191: *** NEW ***
new: {DATIM}
192: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>{FROM}</strong> to <strong>{TO}</strong>: {MESSAGE}
193: *** NEW ***
new: {DATIM}
194: *** NEW ***
new: {FULL_NAME}<br><strong>{NICKNAME}</strong>
195: *** NEW ***
new: {FULL_NAME}<br><strong>{NICKNAME}</strong> (idle)
196: *** NEW ***
new: system
197: *** NEW ***
198: *** NEW ***
new: M
199: *** NEW ***
new: Use Alt-{HOTKEY} or Cmnd-{HOTKEY} as a shortcut for this message field
200: *** NEW ***
201: *** NEW ***
new: P
202: *** NEW ***
new: Select a Personal message destination with Alt-{HOTKEY} or Cmnd-{HOTKEY} and cursor keys
203: *** NEW ***
new: ERROR: malformed message {DATA}
Modified: 0
New: 203
1: *** NEW ***
new: Althing
2: *** NEW ***
new: weblog
3: *** NEW ***
new: This module allows visitors to participate in a research project
4: *** NEW ***
new: Althing
5: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Althing-module
6: *** NEW ***
new: Configure
7: *** NEW ***
new: Edit configuration of althing {NODE}
8: *** NEW ***
new: Moderate
9: *** NEW ***
new: Moderate posts at althing {NODE}
10: *** NEW ***
new: View log
11: *** NEW ***
new: View moderation history in althing {NODE}
12: *** NEW ***
new: Report
13: *** NEW ***
new: Report on postings in althing {NODE}
14: *** NEW ***
new: Althing overview
15: *** NEW ***
new: The Althing-module is a reseach tool to publish a question, supposition, etc. Visitors can react, their posts can be analysed, a report can be constructed and results published. The following options are available in the submenu.
<p>{CONFIGURATION} - For this Althing, several text fields can be configured. E-mail alert lists for moderators and subscribers can be created . The visibility of posts and the status of the Althing can be set to Open, Frozen or Closed.
<p>{MODERATION} - The overview screen gives a summary list of all posts. From there you can navigate to individual posts. Approve new posts or make posts invisible. Posts can can be awarded with Marbles. Please see the comprehensive explanation in the manual.
<p>{VIEWLOG} - An overview of all moderator remarks, ordered by post.
<p>{REPORT} - Select posts in a self-defined sort order and create output for further processing.
<p>Please select one of the options to continue.
16: *** NEW ***
new: Althing configuration
17: *** NEW ***
18: *** NEW ***
new: Status of the althing
19: *** NEW ***
new: Set althing status
20: *** NEW ***
new: ~Opened
21: *** NEW ***
new: Visitors can read existing posts and add new posts
22: *** NEW ***
new: ~Frozen
23: *** NEW ***
new: Existing posts will be visible but none can be added
24: *** NEW ***
new: Close~d
25: *** NEW ***
new: No posts will be visible
26: *** NEW ***
new: Initial visibiliy
27: *** NEW ***
new: Default visibility for new posts
28: *** NEW ***
new: Hidde~n
29: *** NEW ***
new: New posts remain unpublished until moderator approval
30: *** NEW ***
new: Registered ~users
31: *** NEW ***
new: New posts by known users published immediately
32: *** NEW ***
new: ~Visible
33: *** NEW ***
new: New posts are always published immediately
34: *** NEW ***
new: ~Moderator email addresses
35: *** NEW ***
new: Addresses (one per line) alerted after every new post
36: *** NEW ***
new: Subscriber ~email addresses
37: *** NEW ***
new: Addresses (one per line) alerted after every published post
38: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header
39: *** NEW ***
new: Althing title
40: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction
41: *** NEW ***
new: Introductory text
42: *** NEW ***
new: ~Question
43: *** NEW ***
new: Research question of this althing
44: *** NEW ***
new: Conc~lusion
45: *** NEW ***
new: Results of the research
46: *** NEW ***
new: Foote~r
47: *** NEW ***
new: Footer text
48: *** NEW ***
new: Moderation overview
49: *** NEW ***
50: *** NEW ***
new: No posts are available for moderation
51: *** NEW ***
new: ID
52: *** NEW ***
new: Post ID
53: *** NEW ***
new: Date
54: *** NEW ***
new: Date of posting
55: *** NEW ***
new: E
56: *** NEW ***
new: Number of edits (moderations)
57: *** NEW ***
new: V
58: *** NEW ***
new: Visibility: Visible, Hidden, Unpublished
59: *** NEW ***
new: M
60: *** NEW ***
new: Marbles
61: *** NEW ***
new: Name
62: *** NEW ***
new: Author name
63: *** NEW ***
new: Subject
64: *** NEW ***
new: Subject of the post
65: *** NEW ***
new: V
66: *** NEW ***
new: visible
67: *** NEW ***
new: H
68: *** NEW ***
new: hidden
69: *** NEW ***
new: U
70: *** NEW ***
new: unpublished
71: *** NEW ***
new: Visibility: old={OLD_VISIBILITY}, new={NEW_VISIBILITY}. Marbles: unchanged ({OLD_MARBLES}).
72: *** NEW ***
new: Visibility: unchanged ({OLD_VISIBILITY}). Marbles: old={OLD_MARBLES}, new={NEW_MARBLES}.
73: *** NEW ***
new: Visibility: old={OLD_VISIBILITY}, new={NEW_VISIBILITY}. Marbles: old={OLD_MARBLES}, new={NEW_MARBLES}.
74: *** NEW ***
new: Visible
75: *** NEW ***
new: Hidden
76: *** NEW ***
new: Unpublished
77: *** NEW ***
new: Error saving data
78: *** NEW ***
new: Up
79: *** NEW ***
new: Previous post
80: *** NEW ***
new: Next post
81: *** NEW ***
new: Yes
82: *** NEW ***
new: No
83: *** NEW ***
new: registered
84: *** NEW ***
new: unregistered
85: *** NEW ***
new: Post {DISPLAY_ID} - {AUTHOR} - {DATIM}
86: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>ID</strong>: {DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID}) <strong>IP-address</strong>: {REMOTE_ADDR} <{EMAIL}>
87: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>Date</strong>: {DATIM}
88: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>From</strong>: {AUTHOR} ({REGISTERED})
89: *** NEW ***
new: <strong>Subject</strong>: {SUBJECT}
90: *** NEW ***
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new: {CONTENT}
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new: Change the post visibility
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new: Post is hidden
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new: Change publication status
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new: Post was never ever visible
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new: Post has been visible before
105: *** NEW ***
new: ~Marbles
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108: *** NEW ***
new: Additional information about your moderation
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110: *** NEW ***
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116: *** NEW ***
new: Name
117: *** NEW ***
new: Subject / remark
118: *** NEW ***
new: Althing report
119: *** NEW ***
new: Error: post #{DISPLAY_ID} not found; removed from the list
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new: ~Posts:
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new: Comma-separated list of IDs
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new: Selectable fields
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new: ~Message ID
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new: Author
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129: *** NEW ***
new: Subject
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new: ~Date
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new: Posting date
132: *** NEW ***
new: Bod~y
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new: Body of post
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new: Format:
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new: Output format
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new: BBCode
142: *** NEW ***
new: ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
143: *** NEW ***
new: Author: {AUTHOR} ({REGISTERED})
144: *** NEW ***
new: Subject: {SUBJECT}
145: *** NEW ***
new: Date: {DATIM}
146: *** NEW ***
new: {CONTENT}
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new: BBCode: unterminated string starting at offset {I}, near {CONTEXT}
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new: BBCode: invalid path in tag starting at offset {I}, near {CONTEXT}
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new: BBCode: opening tag at offset {I1} (near {CONTEXT1}) does not match closing tag at offset {I2} (near {CONTEXT2}).
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new: Available BBCode
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new: Overview of available BBCode
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new: BBCode
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new: /path/to/some/file.txt
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new: File
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new: /path/to/some/image.png
165: *** NEW ***
new: Hello world
166: *** NEW ***
new: Andrew
167: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve configuration data
168: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve existing posts
169: *** NEW ***
new: Error: no token available for page {NODE}
170: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the althing form timed out, please try again
171: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not save data
172: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute
173: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot submit message
174: *** NEW ***
new: Error: post {POST_ID} is not available
175: *** NEW ***
new: This discussion is closed, no comments and replies can be added.
176: *** NEW ***
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177: *** NEW ***
new: ~Harvest
178: *** NEW ***
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179: *** NEW ***
new: Use the [Post] button to add a new post. You could be the first!
180: *** NEW ***
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181: *** NEW ***
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182: *** NEW ***
new: [post contents redacted]
183: *** NEW ***
new: Use [Harvest] to reply to multiple posts simultaneously
184: *** NEW ***
new: (#{DISPLAY_ID})
185: *** NEW ***
new: -
186: *** NEW ***
new: *
187: *** NEW ***
new: Marbles awarded to this post: {MARBLES} out of 10
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new: Reply
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new: To bottom of page
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new: Harvested from:
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new: #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: Replies:
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new: #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: Harvests:
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new: #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: |
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new: Show redacted
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new: Hide redacted
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new: Sort ascending
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new: Sort descending
208: *** NEW ***
209: *** NEW ***
new: No comments and replies can be added to the discussion.
210: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot harvest posts into a reply.
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new: Error: cannot harvest {COUNT} posts, limit is {LIMIT}
212: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not retrieve data
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new: Add a post
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221: *** NEW ***
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222: *** NEW ***
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new: Message subject
224: *** NEW ***
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new: ~Preview
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new: Cancelled
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new: File Manager (opens in new window)
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new: Open File Manager in a new window
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new: Preview
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new: From
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new: Subject
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new: Date
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new: IP-address
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new: Message
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new: Message-ID
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new: [{NODE}] New public post #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: A new post has been added to page {NODE}:
Message ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
Date: {DATIM}
Subject: {SUBJECT}
Content: {INDEX_LINK}
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new: [{NODE}] New private post #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: A new post has been added to page {NODE}:
Message ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
Date: {DATIM}
Subject: {SUBJECT}
Content: {INDEX_LINK}
You may need to login first to see the new post: {INDEX_LOGIN}
242: *** NEW ***
new: [{NODE}] Moderation request for post #{DISPLAY_ID}
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new: A new post submitted to page {NODE} requires your attention:
Message ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
Date: {DATIM}
Subject: {SUBJECT}
Moderation: {ADMIN_LINK}
You may need to login first to see the new post: {ADMIN_LOGIN}
244: *** NEW ***
new: [{NODE}] Public post #{DISPLAY_ID} is now published
245: *** NEW ***
new: A new post has been published on public page {NODE}:
Message ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
Date: {DATIM}
Subject: {SUBJECT}
Content: {INDEX_LINK}
246: *** NEW ***
new: [{NODE}] Private post #{DISPLAY_ID} is now published
247: *** NEW ***
new: A new post has been published on private page {NODE}:
Message ID: #{DISPLAY_ID} ({POST_ID})
Date: {DATIM}
Subject: {SUBJECT}
Content: {INDEX_LINK}
You may need to login first to view this newly published post: {INDEX_LOGIN}
248: *** NEW ***
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249: *** NEW ***
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250: *** NEW ***
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251: *** NEW ***
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252: *** NEW ***
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253: *** NEW ***
new: Click {LIST_URL_OPEN}here{LIST_URL_CLOSE} return to the overview page.
254: *** NEW ***
new: Chocolate research by Catherine and Andrew
255: *** NEW ***
new: Althing (weblog)
256: *** NEW ***
new: Chocolate galore
257: *** NEW ***
new: <p>Please do not abuse this althing unless you want your messages to be redacted.</p>
258: *** NEW ***
new: <p>We are doing research into the subject of chocolate. Our main research question is:</p>
<p><strong>Is chocolate (dark, milk or white) healthy?</strong></p>
<p>We invite you to share your thoughts and ideas in the replies below.</p>
<p>Catherine and Andrew</p>
259: *** NEW ***
new: <h2>Conclusion</h2><p>(we have not reached a final conclusion yet)</p>
260: *** NEW ***
new: <p>If you want you can use BB-code in your reply.</p><hr>
261: *** NEW ***
new: wrmorris
262: *** NEW ***
new: Research scope
263: *** NEW ***
new: How about broadening the scope of your research to [b]all[/b] types of chocolate (dark, milk and perhaps even white)?
264: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Research scope
265: *** NEW ***
new: Good point, we have updated our research question.
266: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
267: *** NEW ***
new: [img="{ALTHING_IMG1}"]
Here is an image of a [i]Theobroma cacao[/i] you can use in your report.
[url="{ALTHING_URL1}"]Here[/url] is a more detailed version.
268: *** NEW ***
new: virginia
269: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
270: *** NEW ***
new: It depends on the cocoa mass content.
271: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
272: *** NEW ***
new: But how about the sugar in chocolate?
273: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
274: *** NEW ***
new: [quote="Andrew Reese (#5)"]But how about the sugar in chocolate?
No, of course chocolate contains a lot of sugar,
but a little sugar is necessary. Just don't overdo it.
275: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
276: *** NEW ***
new: @Andrew:
That sugar from the chocolate can be handy
in the cold winters, especially when you are
near the North Pole.
277: *** NEW ***
new: Another image
278: *** NEW ***
new: I have found this old Dutch cocoa tin with the image of a nurse on it:
That image suggests that chocolate is in fact healthy.
[i](click on the image for a larger version)[/i]
279: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Another image
280: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for posting the image of this cocoa tin.
Have you heard of the [i]Droste effect[/i]?
[quote]Droste effect
[quote]Droste effect
[quote]Droste effect
[quote]Droste effect
[quote]Droste effect
You can read more about it at
281: *** NEW ***
new: Ludovico
282: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
283: *** NEW ***
new: I like [u]candy[/u] better!
284: *** NEW ***
new: Re: Chocolate galore
285: *** NEW ***
new: [quote="Andrew Reese (#5)"]But how about the sugar in chocolate?
[quote="Catherine Hayes (#6)"][quote="Andrew Reese (#5)"]But how about the sugar in chocolate?
No, of course chocolate contains a lot of sugar,
but a little sugar is necessary. Just don't overdo it.
[quote="Georgina King (#7)"]@Andrew:
That sugar from the chocolate can be handy
in the cold winters, especially when you are
near the North Pole.
You make interesting points about the sugar.
However, I disagree with Catherine: sugar is Bad
although I understand Georgina: it can be very cold
and that requires the energy from the sugar.
Kind regards from mrs. Montessori
286: *** NEW ***
287: *** NEW ***
I like [u]candy[/u] better!
288: *** NEW ***
new: Awarded 2 marbles for the improvement of our question
289: *** NEW ***
new: I made post #10 invisible because the reply is not about chocolate
Modified: 0
New: 289
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new: aggregator
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new: This module aggregates selected nodes
35: *** NEW ***
new: Aggregator
36: *** NEW ***
new: This section demonstrates news aggregation
37: *** NEW ***
new: News
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new: News {MONTHS_AGO_2}
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50: *** NEW ***
new: Aggregator demonstration
51: *** NEW ***
new: <p>This page demonstrates aggregation of other pages showing the first few paragraphs and <strong>read more...</strong> links.</p><p>It is also possible to aggregate snapshots. These are displayed as a small slideshow.
Modified: 0
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new: redirect
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