Source language changes 0.90.4 (2012-04-19) - 0.90.5 (2013-07-11)

Below is an overview of changes and additions in release 0.90.5 (2013-07-11) compared to release 0.90.4 (2012-04-19).

General (was)

12: *** NEW ***
new: ~Edit

Modified: 0
New: 1

Login (loginlib)

No changes

Administration (admin)

297: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Here you can configure the theme {THEME_NAME} for area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME}).<br>The properties you can change here only apply to a this particular area, i.e. every area can have a unique set of properties for a particular combination of area and theme.
new: Here you can configure the theme {THEME_NAME} for area {AREA} ({AREA_FULL_NAME}).<br>The properties you can change here only apply to this particular area, i.e. every area can have a unique set of properties for a particular combination of area and theme.

362: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Plain
new: Plain Editor

363: *** MODIFIED ***
old: No-frills plain text editor
new: Simple plain text editor

847: *** NEW ***
new: This is the Module Manager. Please select a module from the menu

848: *** NEW ***
new: Module Manager

849: *** NEW ***
new: (no modules found)

Modified: 3
New: 3

HTML Page (m_htmlpage)

No changes

Sitemap (m_sitemap)

No changes

Aggregator (m_aggregator)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Aggregator

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module aggregates selected nodes

3: *** NEW ***
new: Aggregator

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Aggregator-module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Aggregator configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the aggregator module. You can add an optional header and an optional introduction to the aggregator. You should specify a comma-delimited list of page or section numbers. The specified pages will be aggregated in the output of this module. If you specify a section number, all individual pages within that section are aggregated, in natural order or in reversed order. <p> If a specified page is linked to the snapshots module, the specified number of images is displayed and rotated after the pause specified below. If the page is linked to the htmlpage-module, the first few paragraphs will be displayed. <p> Note:<br> Pages linked to an unrecognised module are not aggregated.

7: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header

8: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the aggregator

9: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction

10: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for the aggregator

11: *** NEW ***
new: ~List of pages and sections

12: *** NEW ***
new: A comma delimited list of page and section numbers

13: *** NEW ***
new: ~Number of pages to aggregate

14: *** NEW ***
new: This is the maximum number of pages to aggregate

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Reverse the sort order

16: *** NEW ***

17: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to reverse the sort order of pages within a specified section

18: *** NEW ***
new: ~Text length in paragraphs (htmlpage)

19: *** NEW ***
new: The length of the extracted text from the page (in paragraphs)

20: *** NEW ***
new: ~Width in pixels (snapshots)

21: *** NEW ***
new: The total width available for displaying snapshots

22: *** NEW ***
new: H~eight in pixels (snapshots)

23: *** NEW ***
new: The height available for displaying snapshots

24: *** NEW ***
new: ~Visible images (snapshots)

25: *** NEW ***
new: The number of visible snapshots

26: *** NEW ***
new: ~Pause between images in seconds (snapshots)

27: *** NEW ***
new: The time (in seconds) before the next image is displayed

28: *** NEW ***
new: {FIELD}: invalid page/section number '{VALUE}'

29: *** NEW ***

30: *** NEW ***
new: Follow the link for the full story

31: *** NEW ***
new: see more...

32: *** NEW ***
new: Follow the link for more snapshots

Modified: 0
New: 32

Redirect (m_redirect)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Redirect

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module handles page redirection

3: *** NEW ***
new: Redirect

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Redirect-module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Redirect configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the page redirection. Enter the URL of the (external) web page where you want the current page to redirect to. Optionally you can add a link target, e.g. use '_blank' to open the (external) web page in a new window.

7: *** NEW ***
new: ~URL

8: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the full URL of the external webpage to link to

9: *** NEW ***
new: ~Target

10: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the target, e.g. _blank for a new window (see manual)

Modified: 0
New: 10

Snapshots (m_snapshots)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Snapshots

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module is a quick image viewer

3: *** NEW ***
new: Snapshots

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Snapshots-module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Snapshots configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the snapshots module. You can add an optional header and an optional introduction to the snapshots. You can also change the initial display of the snapshots. Use one of the following options: 'thumbnails' to start with the introductory text and an overview of all snapshots, 'first' to start with the first snapshot in the series, or 'slideshow' for an automatic slideshow (javascript-based).

7: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header

8: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the snapshots

9: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction

10: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for the snapshots

11: *** NEW ***
new: ~Location

12: *** NEW ***
new: Data folder holding the snapshots

13: *** NEW ***
new: Select the ~variant of the snapshots initial display

14: *** NEW ***
new: Select one of the options to choose the variant to use

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Thumbnails

16: *** NEW ***
new: Start with the introduction and all thumbnails

17: *** NEW ***
new: ~First

18: *** NEW ***
new: Start with the first snapshot of the series

19: *** NEW ***
new: Slidesho~w

20: *** NEW ***
new: Show all snapshots, one by one

21: *** NEW ***
new: ~Box size (in pixels)

22: *** NEW ***
new: Enter the dimension of the box containing the full-size snapshots

23: *** NEW ***
new: No snapshots are available

24: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: cannot find snapshot '{SNAPSHOT}'

25: *** NEW ***
new: First

26: *** NEW ***
new: first

27: *** NEW ***
new: Previous

28: *** NEW ***
new: previous

29: *** NEW ***
new: Overview

30: *** NEW ***
new: thumbnails

31: *** NEW ***
new: Next

32: *** NEW ***
new: next

33: *** NEW ***
new: Last

34: *** NEW ***
new: last

35: *** NEW ***
new: Current

36: *** NEW ***
new: current

37: *** NEW ***
new: Slideshow (opens in a pop-up window)

38: *** NEW ***
new: slideshow

39: *** NEW ***

40: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: you selected snapshots located in another area ({AREANAME})

41: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: you selected snapshots located in your personal directory

42: *** NEW ***
new: loading...

43: *** NEW ***
new: No snapshots to show

44: *** NEW ***
new: This section holds the main photo album of the school

45: *** NEW ***
new: Pictures

46: *** NEW ***
new: Pictures of our latest field trip

47: *** NEW ***
new: Field trip {LAST_WEEK}

48: *** NEW ***
new: Field trip to the botanical garden ({LAST_WEEK})

49: *** NEW ***
new: Here are the photos of the field trip to the botanical garden the seniors made on {LAST_WEEK}.<p>{LOREM} {IPSUM} {DOLOR}

Modified: 0
New: 49

Workshop (CREW) (m_crew)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop (CREW)

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module provides Collaborative Remote Educational Workshop

3: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop (CREW)

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Workshop (CREW) module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop (CREW) module configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the Workshop (CREW) module (CREW=Collaborative Remote Educational Workshop). The parameters below need to be set correctly otherwise it is not possible to use this module to create or edit documents using a workshop page. Please consult the manual for technical details.

7: *** NEW ***
new: ~Origin

8: *** NEW ***
new: This URL must match the origin as seen in the browser of the user

9: *** NEW ***
new: ~Location

10: *** NEW ***
new: This URL must point to a CREW/Websocket server (see manual)

11: *** NEW ***
new: Secret ~key

12: *** NEW ***
new: This shared secret code must match with the CREW/Websocket server

13: *** NEW ***
new: Workshop (CREW) configuration

14: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the workshop. You can add an optional header and an optional introduction to the workshop page. You can also change the visibility of the workshop. Use one of the following options: 'world' to allow anonymous visitors to view the document, 'authenticated' to allow any logged-in user to view the document, or 'individuals' to grant access to specific users via the list below

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header

16: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the workshop

17: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction

18: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for workshop

19: *** NEW ***
new: Visibility of the workshop document

20: *** NEW ***
new: Select one of the options to set the visibility of the workshop document

21: *** NEW ***
new: ~World

22: *** NEW ***
new: Allow anonymous visitors to read the workshop document

23: *** NEW ***
new: ~Authenticated

24: *** NEW ***
new: Allow logged-in users to read the workshop document

25: *** NEW ***
new: ~Individuals

26: *** NEW ***
new: Allow only individual users to read the workshop document

27: *** NEW ***
new: Read

28: *** NEW ***
new: Permission to read the document

29: *** NEW ***
new: Read and edit

30: *** NEW ***
new: Permission to read and edit the document

31: *** NEW ***
new: Sorry, you currently have no permissions to view this page

32: *** NEW ***
new: Last updated: {DATIM} by {FULL_NAME} ({USERNAME})

33: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve workshop data

34: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot save workshop data

35: *** NEW ***
new: Skin

36: *** NEW ***
new: Please select a skin to use for this session

37: *** NEW ***
new: Base

38: *** NEW ***
new: Default skin

39: *** NEW ***
new: LowVision

40: *** NEW ***
new: High contrast (black+white) interface

41: *** NEW ***
new: Red Grey Blue

42: *** NEW ***
new: Primary colours interface

43: *** NEW ***
new: Mondrian

44: *** NEW ***
new: Black and yellow

45: *** NEW ***
new: Sorry, this module requires JavaScript and the WebSocket protocol

46: *** NEW ***
new: Save

47: *** NEW ***
new: Save the text and end the editing session

48: *** NEW ***
new: Save+Edit

49: *** NEW ***
new: Save the text and continue the editing session

50: *** NEW ***
new: Cancel

51: *** NEW ***
new: Discard the changes and end the editing session

52: *** NEW ***
new: Refresh

53: *** NEW ***
new: Retrieve a fresh copy of the current version of text

54: *** NEW ***
new: Send

55: *** NEW ***
new: Send an instant message to all participants

56: *** NEW ***

57: *** NEW ***
new: Press the button to switch the sound on or off

58: *** NEW ***
new: WebSocket protocol not supported

59: *** NEW ***

60: *** NEW ***

61: *** NEW ***
new: DISCONNECTED (clean): code={CODE} reason={REASON}

62: *** NEW ***
new: DISCONNECTED (unclean): code={CODE} reason={REASON}

63: *** NEW ***
new: {ORIGIN}: unknown message: {DATA}

64: *** NEW ***
new: ERROR: {DATA}

65: *** NEW ***
new: SAVE ({LENGTH} characters)

66: *** NEW ***
new: SAVE ({LENGTH} characters) + EDIT

67: *** NEW ***
new: CANCEL ({LENGTH} characters)

68: *** NEW ***

69: *** NEW ***

70: *** NEW ***
new: {NAME} ({NICK}) enters the workshop

71: *** NEW ***
new: {NAME} ({NICK}) leaves the workshop

72: *** NEW ***
new: ERROR: malformed message {DATA}

73: *** NEW ***

74: *** NEW ***

75: *** NEW ***
new: INTERNAL ERROR: relocate parameters n={N} and users={USERS} differ

76: *** NEW ***
new: INTERNAL ERROR: less than {N} patch parameters: {COUNT} ({DATA})

77: *** NEW ***
new: INTERNAL ERROR: context {N} missing: {OLD} {NEW}

78: *** NEW ***
new: INTERNAL ERROR: patch n={N} and users={USERS}

79: *** NEW ***
new: ERROR: document is too large ({LENGTH} characters), maximum is {LIMIT}

Modified: 0
New: 79

Mailpage (m_mailpage)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module allows visitors to send a message

3: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Mailpage-module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Mailpage configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the Mailpage module. Use the links below to add a new destination address or edit or delete an existing destination address. You MUST configure at least one destination address for this module to work. <p>You can add an optional header and an optional introduction to the mailpage. Also, it is possible to enter a default message. The visitor will see this default message in the message field. This allows for a simple way to let the visitor answer multiple questions in a single message.

7: *** NEW ***
new: Add a new destination address

8: *** NEW ***
new: Use this link to add a new destination address to end of the list.

9: *** NEW ***
new: {NAME} ({SORT_ORDER})

10: *** NEW ***
new: Edit or delete destination {ADDRESS_ID}: <{EMAIL}>

11: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header

12: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the mailpage

13: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction

14: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for the mailpage

15: *** NEW ***
new: Default ~message

16: *** NEW ***
new: Initial text for message from the visitor

17: *** NEW ***
new: Add new destination address

18: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can enter the details of the new destination addresses. You MUST add at least one destination address for this module to work.

19: *** NEW ***
new: Edit or delete destination address

20: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can modify or delete destination addresses. You MUST configure at least one destination address for this module to work.

21: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name

22: *** NEW ***
new: The name of this destination

23: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail address

24: *** NEW ***
new: The e-mail address of this destination

25: *** NEW ***
new: Descr~iption

26: *** NEW ***
new: This text is displayed when the visitor selects this destination

27: *** NEW ***
new: ~Thank-you text

28: *** NEW ***
new: This text is displayed after the visitor submits a message to this destination

29: *** NEW ***
new: Sort ~order

30: *** NEW ***
new: Destinations are displayed in the order determined by this number

31: *** NEW ***
new: Error saving data

32: *** NEW ***
new: Error deleting data

33: *** NEW ***
new: Error: cannot retrieve configuration data

34: *** NEW ***
new: Error: no destination addresses for page {NODE}

35: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not retrieve data

36: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the mailpage form timed out, please try again

37: *** NEW ***
new: Error: could not save data

38: *** NEW ***
new: Error: the server is no able to accept your message at this time. Please try again in a minute

39: *** NEW ***
new: Error: message could not be sent, please try again

40: *** NEW ***
new: Error: no token available for page {NODE}

41: *** NEW ***
new: ~Destination

42: *** NEW ***
new: Select the destination address for your message

43: *** NEW ***
new: ~Name (required)

44: *** NEW ***
new: Please enter your name

45: *** NEW ***
new: ~E-mail (required)

46: *** NEW ***
new: Please enter your e-mail address

47: *** NEW ***
new: ~Subject

48: *** NEW ***
new: Add a subject for your message

49: *** NEW ***
new: ~Message (required)

50: *** NEW ***
new: Enter your nessage here

51: *** NEW ***
new: ~Preview

52: *** NEW ***
new: ~Send

53: *** NEW ***
new: Cancelled

54: *** NEW ***
new: Preview

55: *** NEW ***
new: From

56: *** NEW ***
new: To

57: *** NEW ***
new: Subject

58: *** NEW ***
new: Message

59: *** NEW ***
new: Date

60: *** NEW ***
new: IP-address

61: *** NEW ***
new: [{NODE}] Message from {IP_ADDR}: {SUBJECT}

62: *** NEW ***
new: Message has been sent

63: *** NEW ***
new: Here is a copy of your message.

Modified: 0
New: 63

Axis (t_axis)

No changes

Frugal (t_frugal)

No changes

Rosalina (t_rosalina)

No changes

Schoolyard (t_schoolyard)

No changes

Sophia (t_sophia)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Sophia Theme

2: *** NEW ***
new: This is a theme using big buttons for top level navigation

3: *** NEW ***
new: Sophia

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Sophia theme

5: *** NEW ***
new: you are here:

6: *** NEW ***
new: go to start page

7: *** NEW ***
new: menu

8: *** NEW ***
new: menu {MENU}

9: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section ~top

10: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at top of every page (0 for none)

11: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section botto~m

12: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at bottom of every page (0 for none)

13: *** NEW ***
new: ~Logo

14: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the logo image file

15: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~height

16: *** NEW ***
new: Height of the logo in pixels

17: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~width

18: *** NEW ***
new: Width of the logo in pixels

19: *** NEW ***
new: Breadcrumb trail

20: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show a breadcrumb trail

21: *** NEW ***
new: Show ~breadcrumb trail

22: *** NEW ***
new: Static st~ylesheet

23: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)

24: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage

25: *** NEW ***
new: Use ~static stylesheet file

26: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page

27: *** NEW ***
new: E~xtra style at area level

28: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information

29: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)

30: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at ~area level

31: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above

32: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)

33: *** NEW ***
new: Allow ~node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')

34: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section

35: *** NEW ***
new: Additional t~ext in header

36: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the header of the page

37: *** NEW ***
new: A~dditional HTML before menu

38: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears above the menu

39: *** NEW ***
new: Additional HTML a~fter menu

40: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears below the menu

41: *** NEW ***
new: Add~itional text in footer

42: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the footer of the page

Modified: 0
New: 42

Cornelia (t_cornelia)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Cornelia Theme

2: *** NEW ***
new: This is a 2- or 3-column theme using inverted L for navigation

3: *** NEW ***
new: Cornelia

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Cornelia theme

5: *** NEW ***
new: You are here:

6: *** NEW ***
new: go to start page

7: *** NEW ***
new: menu

8: *** NEW ***
new: menu {MENU}

9: *** NEW ***
new: print

10: *** NEW ***
new: printer-friendly version of this page

11: *** NEW ***
new: ~Quicklinks section top

12: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at top of every page (0 for none)

13: *** NEW ***
new: Quic~klinks section bottom

14: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at bottom of every page (0 for none)

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Logo

16: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the logo image file

17: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~height

18: *** NEW ***
new: Height of the logo in pixels

19: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~width

20: *** NEW ***
new: Width of the logo in pixels

21: *** NEW ***
new: Breadcrumb trail

22: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show a breadcrumb trail

23: *** NEW ***
new: Show ~breadcrumb trail

24: *** NEW ***
new: Static st~ylesheet

25: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)

26: *** NEW ***
new: Additional stylesheet for ~2-columns

27: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the additional static stylesheet file (empty for none)

28: *** NEW ***
new: Pr~inter friendly stylesheet

29: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the additional stylesheet file for print version (empty for none)

30: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage

31: *** NEW ***
new: ~Use static stylesheet file

32: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page

33: *** NEW ***
new: E~xtra style at area level

34: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information

35: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)

36: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at ~area level

37: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above

38: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)

39: *** NEW ***
new: Allow ~node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')

40: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section

41: *** NEW ***
new: Additional t~ext in header

42: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the header of the page

43: *** NEW ***
new: ~Path to directory containing banner image files

44: *** NEW ***
new: Location of the background banners for the header

45: *** NEW ***
new: Banner ~rotate interval in minutes (0 = no banners at all)

46: *** NEW ***
new: This is the time after which another banner will be used for a page view

47: *** NEW ***
new: A~dditional HTML before menu

48: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears above the menu in 1st column

49: *** NEW ***
new: Additional H~TML after menu

50: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears below the menu in 1st column

51: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited list of pa~ges to display in sidebar

52: *** NEW ***
new: Use '0' for empty page or '-' to suppress sidebar

53: *** NEW ***
new: Additional HTML at t~op of sidebar

54: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears at the top of the 3rd column

55: *** NEW ***
new: Additional HT~ML at bottom of sidebar

56: *** NEW ***
new: This additional free-form HTML appears at the bottom of the 3rd column

57: *** NEW ***
new: Additional text in ~footer

58: *** NEW ***
new: This additional text is added to the footer of the page

Modified: 0
New: 58

Install (i_install)

No changes

Demodata (i_demodata)

95: *** NEW ***
new: Configurable header

96: *** NEW ***
new: This introduction text is configurable too.

97: *** NEW ***
new: Principal

98: *** NEW ***
new: Please send all your educational questions to our principal, Amelia Cackle

99: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for your message. Please allow 2 days for a reply from Amelia

100: *** NEW ***
new: Webmaster

101: *** NEW ***
new: Please direct all your website-related (technical) questions to our webmaster

102: *** NEW ***
new: Thank you for your comments. Our webmaster will follow up as soon as possible

Modified: 0
New: 8


Modified: 3 total
New: 345 total