Source language changes 0.90.3 (2011-10-01) - 0.90.4 (2012-04-19)

Below is an overview of changes and additions in release 0.90.4 (2012-04-19) compared to release 0.90.3 (2011-10-01).

General (was)

No changes

Login (loginlib)

No changes

Administration (admin)

4: *** MODIFIED ***
old: logo Website@School®
new: Website@School®

61: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon delete
new: delete

65: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon edit
new: edit

69: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon home
new: is home

72: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon not home
new: make home

76: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon page
new: preview

79: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon closed folder
new: open section

82: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon opened folder
new: close section

85: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon closed folder
new: open area

88: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon opened folder
new: close area

91: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon closed folder
new: open all areas

94: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon opened folder
new: close all areas

98: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon visible
new: advanced edit or make invisible

103: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon invisible
new: advanced edit or make visible

215: *** NEW ***
new: Extra st~yle at page/section level

216: *** NEW ***
new: Additional style information

261: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon home
new: is home

264: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon not home
new: make home

268: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon delete
new: delete

272: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon edit
new: edit

362: *** NEW ***
new: CKEditor

363: *** NEW ***
new: JavaScript-based WYSIWYG word processor

411: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon delete
new: delete

414: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon edit
new: edit

554: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon delete
new: delete

557: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon edit
new: edit

618: *** NEW ***
new: S~kin

619: *** NEW ***
new: Select the preferred skin for this user

622: *** NEW ***
new: Base

623: *** NEW ***
new: Default (graphical)

624: *** NEW ***
new: TextOnly

625: *** NEW ***
new: Text-based interface

626: *** NEW ***
new: Braille

627: *** NEW ***
new: For Braille-terminals and speech synthesizers

628: *** NEW ***
new: Big

629: *** NEW ***
new: Bigger letters and icons

630: *** NEW ***
new: LowVision

631: *** NEW ***
new: High contrast interface

648: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon delete
new: delete

688: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon file preview
new: preview file

691: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon file delete
new: delete file

694: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon folder delete
new: delete folder

709: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon closed folder
new: open folder

711: *** NEW ***
new: open parent folder

712: *** NEW ***
new: +

760: *** MODIFIED ***
old: icon edit
new: edit

821: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This is the update manager. Below is an overview of the current internal en external versions of the core system and the various subsystems. If there is a discrepancy between the two versions, you can perform the update by following the link '[Update]' or perform the installation of the subsystem by following the link '[Install]' in the last column
new: This is the update manager. Below is an overview of the current internal and external versions of the core system and the various subsystems. If there is a discrepancy between the two versions, you can perform the update by following the link '[Update]' or perform the installation of the subsystem by following the link '[Install]' in the last column

848: *** NEW ***
new: Donors

849: *** NEW ***
new: Function not yet implemented

850: *** NEW ***
new: Messages

Modified: 29
New: 21

HTML Page (m_htmlpage)

No changes

Sitemap (m_sitemap)

No changes

Axis (t_axis)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Axis Theme

2: *** NEW ***
new: A simple theme with a vertical hierarchical menu

3: *** NEW ***
new: Axis

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Axis Theme

5: *** NEW ***

6: *** NEW ***
new: logout {USERNAME}

7: *** NEW ***
new: end session for {FULL_NAME}

8: *** NEW ***
new: print

9: *** NEW ***
new: printer-friendly version of this page

10: *** NEW ***
new: Static st~ylesheet

11: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)

12: *** NEW ***
new: ~Printer friendly stylesheet

13: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the stylesheet file for print version (empty for none)

14: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Use static stylesheet file

16: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page

17: *** NEW ***
new: E~xtra style at area level

18: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information

19: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)

20: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at ~area level

21: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above

22: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)

23: *** NEW ***
new: Allow ~node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')

24: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section

Modified: 0
New: 24

Frugal (t_frugal)

4: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This file contrains translations for the Frugal theme
new: This file contains translations for the Frugal theme

Modified: 1
New: 0

Rosalina (t_rosalina)

112: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Horizontal overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and 1.00)
new: Horizontal overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and +1.00)

114: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Vertical overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and 1.00)
new: Vertical overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and +1.00)

Modified: 2
New: 0

Schoolyard (t_schoolyard)

4: *** MODIFIED ***
old: This file contrains translations for the Schoolyard Theme
new: This file contains translations for the Schoolyard Theme

10: *** MODIFIED ***

Modified: 2
New: 0

Install (i_install)

No changes

Demodata (i_demodata)

No changes


Modified: 34 total
New: 45 total