Source language changes 0.90.2 (2011-05-11) - 0.90.3 (2011-09-30)

Below is an overview of changes and additions in release 0.90.3 (2011-09-30) compared to release 0.90.2 (2011-05-11).

General (was)

No changes

Login (loginlib)

No changes

Administration (admin)

33: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Website@School Start has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Website@School Start has been disabled for your account

34: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Page Manager has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Page Manager has been disabled for your account

35: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to File Manager has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to File Manager has been disabled for your account

36: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Module Manager has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Module Manager has been disabled for your account

37: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Account Manager has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Account Manager has been disabled for your account

38: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Configuration Manager has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Configuration Manager has been disabled for your account

39: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Statistics has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Statistics has been disabled for your account

40: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Tools has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Tools has been disabled for your account

41: *** MODIFIED ***
old: Access to Help has beed disabled for your account
new: Access to Help has been disabled for your account

43: *** NEW ***
new: Access to Website@School has been disabled for your account. Follow one of the links below to continue:

44: *** NEW ***
new: login

280: *** NEW ***
new: The data folder of area '{AREA_FULL_NAME}' ({AREA}) is not empty yet. Please remove the files and folders first

340: *** MODIFIED ***
old: User is blackisted after this number of failed login attempts within failures interval
new: User is blacklisted after this number of failed login attempts within failures interval

383: *** NEW ***

384: *** NEW ***
new: Check this box to position newly added pages and sections at the end of a (sub)section

385: *** NEW ***
new: Add new pages/sections at the end

449: *** NEW ***
new: The data folder of group '{GROUP_FULL_NAME}' ({GROUP}) is not empty yet. Please remove the files and folders first.

450: *** NEW ***
new: You cannot delete group '{GROUP_FULL_NAME}' ({GROUP}) because you are associated with this group as '{CAPACITY}'. You have to remove your association with the group before you can delete it

451: *** NEW ***
new: {FIELD}: You cannot delete capacity '{CAPACITY}' from '{GROUP_FULL_NAME}' ({GROUP}) because you are associated with this group in that capacity. You have to remove your own association with the group/capacity before you can delete it

579: *** NEW ***
new: The data folder of {FULL_NAME} ({USERNAME}) is not empty yet. Please remove the files and folders first.

580: *** NEW ***
new: You cannot delete your own account

831: *** NEW ***
new: Table '{TABLE}' field '{FIELD}': content is longer than {LENGTH} characters: '{CONTENT}'.

832: *** NEW ***
new: The number of fields that need to be shortened manually (outside of Website@School) is {ERRORS}

833: *** NEW ***
new: Warning: the file '{FILENAME}' is obsolete (since version {VERSION}) and can be safely removed

Modified: 10
New: 14

HTML Page (m_htmlpage)

No changes

Sitemap (m_sitemap)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Sitemap

2: *** NEW ***
new: This module shows a small, medium or large sitemap

3: *** NEW ***
new: Sitemap

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Sitemap-module

5: *** NEW ***
new: Sitemap configuration

6: *** NEW ***
new: Here you can configure the sitemap. You can add an optional header and an optional introduction to the sitemap. You can also change the scope of the sitemap. Use one of the following options: 'area' for a simple area map, 'limited' for an area map followed by a list of links to available areas, or 'full' for a complete overview of all areas.

7: *** NEW ***
new: ~Header

8: *** NEW ***
new: Header for the sitemap

9: *** NEW ***
new: ~Introduction

10: *** NEW ***
new: Introduction text for the sitemap

11: *** NEW ***
new: Select the scope of the sitemap

12: *** NEW ***
new: Select one of the options to set the scope of the sitemap

13: *** NEW ***
new: ~Area

14: *** NEW ***
new: Simple area map

15: *** NEW ***
new: ~Limited

16: *** NEW ***
new: Area map followed by list of available areas

17: *** NEW ***
new: ~Full

18: *** NEW ***
new: Full overview of all available areas

19: *** NEW ***
new: Available areas

Modified: 0
New: 19

Frugal (t_frugal)

No changes

Rosalina (t_rosalina)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Rosalina Theme

2: *** NEW ***
new: This theme implements HV Menu (Javascript-based)

3: *** NEW ***
new: Rosalina

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contains translations for the Rosalina theme

5: *** NEW ***
new: You are here:

6: *** NEW ***
new: image of logo

7: *** NEW ***
new: Select area

8: *** NEW ***
new: Select an area and press [Go]

9: *** NEW ***
new: Areas

10: *** NEW ***
new: last updated: {UPDATE_YEAR}-{UPDATE_MONTH}-{UPDATE_DAY}

11: *** NEW ***

12: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section top

13: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at top of every page (0 for none)

14: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section bottom

15: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at bottom of every page (0 for none)

16: *** NEW ***
new: Breadcrumb trail

17: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show a breadcrumb trail

18: *** NEW ***
new: Show breadcrumb trail

19: *** NEW ***
new: Logo

20: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the logo image file

21: *** NEW ***
new: Logo height

22: *** NEW ***
new: Height of the logo in pixels

23: *** NEW ***
new: Logo width

24: *** NEW ***
new: Width of the logo in pixels

25: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet

26: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)

27: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage

28: *** NEW ***
new: Use static stylesheet file

29: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page

30: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style at area level

31: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information

32: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)

33: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at area level

34: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above

35: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)

36: *** NEW ***
new: Allow node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')

37: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section

38: *** NEW ***
new: Logo title

39: *** NEW ***
new: The text the visitor sees when hovering over the logo

40: *** NEW ***
new: Logo alternative text

41: *** NEW ***
new: Text displayed when the image is not available or images are disabled in the browser

42: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspots

43: *** NEW ***
new: The number of hotspots defined for the logo

44: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 1

45: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

46: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 2

47: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

48: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 3

49: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

50: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 4

51: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

52: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 5

53: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

54: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 6

55: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

56: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 7

57: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

58: *** NEW ***
new: Hotspot 8

59: *** NEW ***
new: hotspot definition: shape;coords;href;text;alt_href;alt_text;target

60: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour topmenu

61: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour when mouse is not hovering over toplevel menu items

62: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour submenu

63: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour when mouse is not hovering over submenu items

64: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour active topmenu

65: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour when mouse is hovering over toplevel menu item

66: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour active submenu

67: *** NEW ***
new: Background colour when mouse is hovering over submenu item

68: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour topmenu

69: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour when mouse is not hovering over toplevel menu item

70: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour submenu

71: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour when mouse is not hovering over submenu item

72: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour active topmenu

73: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour when mouse is hovering over toplevel menu item

74: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour active submenu

75: *** NEW ***
new: Font colour when mouse is hovering over submenu item

76: *** NEW ***
new: Border colour topmenu

77: *** NEW ***
new: Border colour for toplevel menu items

78: *** NEW ***
new: Border colour submenu

79: *** NEW ***
new: Border colour for submenu items

80: *** NEW ***
new: Border width

81: *** NEW ***
new: Border width (in pixels)

82: *** NEW ***
new: Separate menu items

83: *** NEW ***
new: Show border between menu items

84: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to separate menu items from each other with a border

85: *** NEW ***
new: Fonts

86: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-separated list of font families to use for menu items

87: *** NEW ***
new: Fontsize

88: *** NEW ***
new: Size of the font to use, e.g. 8.5 or 10.0

89: *** NEW ***
new: Bold

90: *** NEW ***
new: Use bold text for menu items

91: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show all menu items in bold

92: *** NEW ***
new: Italics

93: *** NEW ***
new: Use italic text for menu items

94: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show all menu items in italics

95: *** NEW ***
new: Menu item alignment

96: *** NEW ***
new: left aligned

97: *** NEW ***
new: centered

98: *** NEW ***
new: right aligned

99: *** NEW ***
new: Select the alignment of the menu items

100: *** NEW ***
new: Horizontal menu alignment

101: *** NEW ***
new: left aligned

102: *** NEW ***
new: centered

103: *** NEW ***
new: right aligned

104: *** NEW ***
new: Select the horizontal alignment of the complete menu

105: *** NEW ***
new: Vertical menu alignment

106: *** NEW ***
new: top

107: *** NEW ***
new: middle

108: *** NEW ***
new: bottom

109: *** NEW ***
new: static

110: *** NEW ***
new: Select the vertical alignment of the complete menu

111: *** NEW ***
new: Horizontal overlap

112: *** NEW ***
new: Horizontal overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and 1.00)

113: *** NEW ***
new: Vertical overlap

114: *** NEW ***
new: Vertical overlap child/parent (a number between -1.00 and 1.00)

115: *** NEW ***
new: Menu offset X

116: *** NEW ***
new: Menu offset X-coordinate (pixels)

117: *** NEW ***
new: Menu offset Y

118: *** NEW ***
new: Menu offset Y-coordinate (pixels)

119: *** NEW ***
new: Left padding

120: *** NEW ***
new: Left padding (pixels)

121: *** NEW ***
new: Top padding

122: *** NEW ***
new: Top padding (pixels)

123: *** NEW ***
new: Horizontal menu

124: *** NEW ***
new: Start with a horizontal toplevel menu

125: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box for a horizontal toplevel menu, uncheck for vertical toplevel menu

126: *** NEW ***
new: Delay

127: *** NEW ***
new: Delay (in ms) before a menu folds in

128: *** NEW ***
new: Menu wrap

129: *** NEW ***
new: Enable menu wrap

130: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to enable menu wrap around

131: *** NEW ***
new: Right-to-left

132: *** NEW ***
new: Enable right-to-left menu unfold

133: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to unfold the menu from right to left

134: *** NEW ***
new: Unfold on click

135: *** NEW ***
new: Unfold menu on mouse click

136: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to unfold on mouse click, uncheck to use mouse hovering

137: *** NEW ***
new: Show arrows

138: *** NEW ***
new: Show small arrows to indicate submenus

139: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to display small triangles to indicate submenus

140: *** NEW ***
new: Keep highlight

141: *** NEW ***
new: Keep the selected menu path highlighted

142: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to keep the menu path highlighted

143: *** NEW ***
new: Arrow-images

144: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited list of filenames and dimensions: arrow,width,height,arrowdown,width,height,arrowleft,width,height

145: *** NEW ***
new: Toplevel menu limits

146: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited list: min_width,char_width,max_width,height in px (default: 120,8,300,20)

147: *** NEW ***
new: Submenu limits

148: *** NEW ***
new: Comma-delimited list: min_width,char_width,max_width,height in px (default: 150,8,500,20)

149: *** NEW ***
new: Frame correction X

150: *** NEW ***
new: Multiple frame correction X-coordinate (pixels)

151: *** NEW ***
new: Frame correction Y

152: *** NEW ***
new: Multiple frame correction Y-coordinate (pixels)

153: *** NEW ***
new: Frames in columns

154: *** NEW ***
new: Use frames in columns

155: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to use frames in columns, uncheck for frames in rows

156: *** NEW ***
new: Frame background colour

157: *** NEW ***
new: Menu frame takes over background colour submenu item frame

158: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to take over the background colour

159: *** NEW ***
new: Top level frame

160: *** NEW ***
new: Name of the toplevel frame (use 'self' if no frames are used)

161: *** NEW ***
new: Submenu frame

162: *** NEW ***
new: Name of the submenu frame (use 'self' if no frames are used)

163: *** NEW ***
new: Content frame

164: *** NEW ***
new: Name of the content frame (use 'self' if no frames are used)

165: *** NEW ***
new: Target ID

166: *** NEW ***
new: Name of the element used for relative positioning

167: *** NEW ***
new: Hide topmenu

168: *** NEW ***
new: Hide topmenu while loading new content

169: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to hide the toplevel menu while loading a new page

170: *** NEW ***
new: Webmaster check

171: *** NEW ***
new: Check the menu tree

172: *** NEW ***
new: This option is used for checking menu integrity during development

173: *** NEW ***
new: Hint: the jigsaw pieces are clickable

174: *** NEW ***
new: School logo

175: *** NEW ***
new: Website@School (admin.php)

176: *** NEW ***
new: Home

177: *** NEW ***
new: Login

178: *** NEW ***
new: Logout

179: *** NEW ***
new: Visit the Website@School project site

Modified: 0
New: 179

Schoolyard (t_schoolyard)

1: *** NEW ***
new: Schoolyard Theme

2: *** NEW ***
new: A simple inverted-L type of theme

3: *** NEW ***
new: Schoolyard

4: *** NEW ***
new: This file contrains translations for the Schoolyard Theme

5: *** NEW ***
new: You are here:

6: *** NEW ***
new: image of logo

7: *** NEW ***
new: Select area

8: *** NEW ***
new: Select an area and press [Go]

9: *** NEW ***
new: ---<br>last updated: {UPDATE_YEAR}-{UPDATE_MONTH}-{UPDATE_DAY}

10: *** NEW ***

11: *** NEW ***
new: logout {USERNAME}

12: *** NEW ***
new: end session for {FULL_NAME}

13: *** NEW ***
new: print

14: *** NEW ***
new: printer-friendly version of this page

15: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section ~top

16: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at top of every page (0 for none)

17: *** NEW ***
new: Quicklinks section botto~m

18: *** NEW ***
new: Number of section containing links at bottom of every page (0 for none)

19: *** NEW ***
new: ~Logo

20: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the logo image file

21: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~height

22: *** NEW ***
new: Height of the logo in pixels

23: *** NEW ***
new: Logo ~width

24: *** NEW ***
new: Width of the logo in pixels

25: *** NEW ***
new: Breadcrumb trail

26: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to show a breadcrumb trail

27: *** NEW ***
new: Show ~breadcrumb trail

28: *** NEW ***
new: Static st~ylesheet

29: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the static stylesheet file (empty for none)

30: *** NEW ***
new: ~Printer friendly stylesheet

31: *** NEW ***
new: URL of the stylesheet file for print version (empty for none)

32: *** NEW ***
new: Static stylesheet usage

33: *** NEW ***
new: ~Use static stylesheet file

34: *** NEW ***
new: Check the box to include the static stylesheet on every page

35: *** NEW ***
new: E~xtra style at area level

36: *** NEW ***
new: Additional area-wide style information

37: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (area)

38: *** NEW ***
new: Use extra style at ~area level

39: *** NEW ***
new: This applies the style information from 'Extra style' above

40: *** NEW ***
new: Extra style usage (node)

41: *** NEW ***
new: Allow ~node level style information ('Bazaar Style Style')

42: *** NEW ***
new: This allows 'Bazaar Style Style': a different style for every page/section

Modified: 0
New: 42

Install (i_install)

No changes

Demodata (i_demodata)

No changes


Modified: 10 total
New: 254 total